
How deluded Leo is ?

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8 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@bejapuskas  I like Nisargadatta "All that arises in consciousness is illusion" short and sweet!

No no no I'll need another 2h video to understand that quote 

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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15 hours ago, Commodent said:

Leo still seems severely disconnected from his emotional being like many others in here, and I think that's his main issue. He seems to downright disrespect certain emotions.

He also seems to have (unacknowledged) contempt towards his audience and people in general.

Funny thing is, many of the "breakthrough" revelations he has had about himself has been glaringly obvious to many of us for quite some time. But I have never actually seen him taking any of the feedback into consideration. Good thing he's starting to become more conscious, but it really shouldn't take dozens of 5-MeO-DMT trips to realize he's inauthentic. I suspect if he'd actually looked in to his past (as the key to understanding your emotions lies in the past) and done some emotional work instead of spiritual bypassing he wouldn't even need psychedelics to see it.

Just wanted to say that I’m loving this perspective and I agree. I was actually surprised to find this kind of post on this forum. Thank you for sharing. :)

I would want to add something though. When you say 

“He also seems to have (unacknowledged) contempt towards his audience and people in general.”

I would take it further and say that he has subconscious contempt towards himself. Or some parts of himself.

If I was him, I would closely examine this self-hate and contempt. What happened that made him feel that it’s not okay to be unenlightened? I feel like there’s some sort of fear of confusion there. Maybe a belief, like “It’s not safe to be confused. Confusion equals death.” Maybe an unenlightened state is so threatening to him because he doesn’t want to end up like his parents. I don’t know but I hope that Leo is contemplating these things.

The way we talk to other people is usually how our parents talked to us when we were children. So when Leo says things like, “You don’t  understand, you’re unevolved, you just want your carnal pleasures, you’re the devil...” it really makes me wonder what happened to him. 

(The above was obviously not a direct quote. I’m simplifying here.)

Also a comment to when you say

”it really shouldn't take dozens of 5-MeO-DMT trips to realize he's inauthentic”

I disagree. I have found that it can sometimes be very difficult to become conscious of these things, especially if your whole spiritual practice is an escape from them. ?

Expecting for this post to trigger some people... ?

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@bejapuskas Whose pride is it, really?
Do you believe that it's inappropriate to think highly of oneself? Did that belief get triggered?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki Oh baby, there you are with half of the whole again. A half moon. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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21 hours ago, now is forever said:

well its all connected to detection.


23 hours ago, now is forever said:


Nice music. It's detective music. :) I like music too. Well, it depends on what kind of music. So far, to me, this one is a lovely song for enlightenment:

It may sound like a song for an intimate relationship, but I could understand why it could be for enlightenment too. Btw, there is a love ("bliss") aspect of enlightenment. I don't understand why Leo has to experience enlightenment a few dozen times via 5meo. :D Looks like that strong bliss from the Nothingness (No-self) is making him cry tears of joy in his "Becoming God" video. I don't know for sure. I'm not Leo. I could only guess. If 5meo does produce enlightenment, I don't understand why he needs to experience it that many times.

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2 hours ago, tsuki said:

@bejapuskas Whose pride is it, really?
Do you believe that it's inappropriate to think highly of oneself? Did that belief get triggered?

@tsuki  Maybe it is my assumptions about him, from what I've heard. But he seems to say, that you need something else than yourself. Why would he have to suffer so much, when he is Awakened?

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5 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

But he seems to say, that you need something else than yourself.

What do you mean?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki  When he talks about other spiritual teachers. It is right at the beginning of the article. It seems like he is pointing our their „weaknesses“ and showing, that he does not have them, but doesn't directly say it. 

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1 hour ago, Key Elements said:

Nice music. It's detective music. :) I like music too. Well, it depends on what kind of music. So far, to me, this one is a lovely song for enlightenment:

It may sound like a song for an intimate relationship, but I could understand why it could be for enlightenment too. Btw, there is a love ("bliss") aspect of enlightenment. I don't understand why Leo has to experience enlightenment a few dozen times via 5meo. :D Looks like that strong bliss from the Nothingness (No-self) is making him cry tears of joy in his "Becoming God" video. I don't know for sure. I'm not Leo. I could only guess. If 5meo does produce enlightenment, I don't understand why he needs to experience it that many times.

i don’t know but i guess enlightenment might just be something to repeat over and over again. it’s difficult not wanting to i guess if it’s really good.

i mean if there are levels of love i guess we all want to experience the highest level of love we are aiming for. people do almost anything for it. some people tattoo themselves, others sit on needles, some ask their loved ones to tell them over and over again, and leo asks an orakle called 5meo giving him direct source connection to the whole universe because he is aiming for universal love, without limits.

Edited by now is forever

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2 minutes ago, now is forever said:

i don’t know but i guess enlightenment might just be something to repeat over and over again. it’s difficult not wanting to i guess if it’s really good.

i mean if there are levels of love i guess we all want to experience the highest level of love we are aiming for. people do almost anything for it. some people tattoo themselves others sit on needles some ask their loved ones to tell them over and over again and leo asks an orakle called 5meo giving him direct source connection to the whole universe.

There's a quote that goes something like this, "if you keep wanting to enter the spiritual realms, then life becomes pointless." I agree. I could relate to this quote. In Leo's blog somewhere, in an article somewhere, he said that life is a school. True. I agree. Yes, learn all your lessons on earth, do something positive in this world, and then move on to something else after passing away. Life being a school was one of the lessons for me when I saw that family member again. To me, it goes out of balance if you keep wanting to enter the spiritual realms too many times, including non-duality, becoming one with the No-self (Nothingness).

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1 hour ago, bejapuskas said:

@tsuki  When he talks about other spiritual teachers. It is right at the beginning of the article. It seems like he is pointing our their „weaknesses“ and showing, that he does not have them, but doesn't directly say it. 

He is playing with language and thought. All strengths have weaknesses associated with them.
Lao Tzu has no weaknesses because nothing can be said about him. He's like a black hole.
Of course, it means that he has no strengths too. You seem to have missed that bit.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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28 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

There's a quote that goes something like this, "if you keep wanting to enter the spiritual realms, then life becomes pointless." I agree. I could relate to this quote. In Leo's blog somewhere, in an article somewhere, he said that life is a school. True. I agree. Yes, learn all your lessons on earth, do something positive in this world, and then move on to something else after passing away. Life being a school was one of the lessons for me when I saw that family member again. To me, it goes out of balance if you keep wanting to enter the spiritual realms too many times, including non-duality, becoming one with the No-self (Nothingness).

yes clinging to the past or to past lifes is tricky - at one point we have to let go of everything, we can’t take anything with us except a memory, a shadow or a spark of light. clinging is no clinging if we can give the clinging up and still watch the stars.

a past sunny day can’t give us warmth on a rainy day but the memory of it lets us remember that there is a sun behind the clouds - what would we do if the sun wouldn’t rise every day?

i don’t know about 5meo but i guess it has a similar effect, it’s probably very bright light. you might need sunglasses ? for it.

or maybe it’s like an eclipse- but how can we know. for those who haven’t tried it, it’s not part of our experience, only left for imagination.

Edited by now is forever

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4 minutes ago, now is forever said:

i don’t know about 5meo but i guess it has a similar effect, it’s probably very bright light. you might need sunglasses ? for it.

or maybe it’s like an eclipse- but how can we know. 

That's cute. Sunglasses. ? No, you don't need sunglasses. When you become the light, you are the light. Massive light!!! From the ego's perspective. In reality, it's not grandiose. You're not embodied. You are the light. That's why they call it Riding the Ox Backwards back into your ego. Anyway, that's another aspect of enlightenment. Enjoy wearing sunglasses and doing something positive on earth. Other lessons must be learned. Don't forget the lessons; otherwise Nothingness/No-self may not come. Things have to be balanced. Everything is interconnected.

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5 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

That's cute. Sunglasses. ? No, you don't need sunglasses. When you become the light, you are the light. Massive light!!! From the ego's perspective. In reality, it's not grandiose. You're not embodied. You are the light. That's why they call it Riding the Ox Backwards back into your ego. Anyway, that's another aspect of enlightenment. Enjoy wearing sunglasses and doing something positive on earth. Other lessons must be learned. Don't forget the lessons; otherwise Nothingness/No-self may not come. Things have to be balanced. Everything is interconnected.

mhhh - i don’t get you. maybe i take the glasses off? are we not talking about 5meo - did you try it? so how do you know. 

riding the ox backwards - does it mean the ox is walking backwards? i have another image of it. 

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@now is forever no I didn't try anything. I was talking about this earlier in this thread with Nahm. I told him and Joseph that it happened to me already. I think Joseph got the point.

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1 hour ago, Key Elements said:

@now is forever no I didn't try anything. I was talking about this earlier in this thread with Nahm. I told him and Joseph that it happened to me already. I think Joseph got the point.

i maybe don’t get it. you are somehow out of my radar. difficult to detect what exactly you mean with “it”. are we still talking about somebody else’s delusions?

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22 minutes ago, now is forever said:

i maybe don’t get it. you are somehow out of my radar. difficult to detect what exactly you mean with “it”. are we still talking about somebody else’s delusions?

I'm talking about enlightenment--what happens in it. I'm not talking about who's having delusions or not.

This is why I want to go into it on my life purpose. I want to say it in another way so that others will have a chance to understand. If they don't understand, that's ok too. At least I tried.

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33 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

I'm talking about enlightenment--what happens in it. I'm not talking about whose having delusions or not.

so what happens in it? from your perspective?

kundalini awakening? prana body? mu? all simultaneously?

isn’t it still only a glimpse of the ox yet?

yes - go into it with your life purpose, i hope you have seen the mu. it’s not easy to go into a life purpose with mu but you can always sell a cow on the marketplace.

Edited by now is forever

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