
How deluded Leo is ?

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@Aakash tha's not enlightenment . He is deluded , and that's not even clooooose to enlightenement . 

Edited by tecladocasio

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Leo still seems severely disconnected from his emotional being like many others in here, and I think that's his main issue. He seems to downright disrespect certain emotions.

He also seems to have (unacknowledged) contempt towards his audience and people in general.

Funny thing is, many of the "breakthrough" revelations he has had about himself has been glaringly obvious to many of us for quite some time. But I have never actually seen him taking any of the feedback into consideration. Good thing he's starting to become more conscious, but it really shouldn't take dozens of 5-MeO-DMT trips to realize he's inauthentic. I suspect if he'd actually looked in to his past (as the key to understanding your emotions lies in the past) and done some emotional work instead of spiritual bypassing he wouldn't even need psychedelics to see it.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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@tecladocasio did he ever tell you the content of the character is different from the consciousness of the person? 

one can realise the consciousness truth of their true nature and still be blurting out bullshit, as long as they don't identify with it, is how :P 

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@Aakash He is fully enlightened . He is not dreaming anymore .  There is nothing unconcious in him . But that does not mean he start saying nonsense like leo is doing . Why ? because what leo say is not true 



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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Sounds like you ‘get’ something, but don’t want to share it because it’s very personal, so you express it using art. If that’s what you’re saying, I get that. I just can’t ‘get’ references to your actual experience as a communication, without any communication of details about it. That’s fine though. It’s intriguingly lovely I suppose. 

Yes, I express through art, but I just said something to you literally. :) I know Joseph understood what I was saying. I didn't hide anything.

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1 hour ago, now is forever said:

communication has always been a challenge, some people even think if they scream what they want to convey it will reach somewhere.


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11 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Key Elements He pointed to your thinking, you said it’s your experience......?

Well, yes, later when I posted I said that.

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4 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Key Elements Your detective analogy was helpful for me. Thank you. 

You're welcome. It actually happened to me, but I can't tell the full story here in a post.

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11 minutes ago, Nahm said:

He pointed to your thinking, you said it’s your experience......?

@Nahm Thinking is not part of your experience ? Tell me more about that hahah

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Just now, tecladocasio said:

@Nahm Thinking is not part of your experience ? Tell me more about that hahah

In a way so you can truly understand it....?



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3 hours ago, Key Elements said:
5 hours ago, now is forever said:

communication has always been a challenge, some people even think if they scream what they want to convey it will reach somewhere.


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mhh i mean it doesn’t matter how much you explain or how loud you are advertising your point of view - another person can understand what you are saying and still have another perception of a situation, it’s not even a standpoint, its more an understanding on how things or nothings work. and also you always understand the other the way you are able to, or want to - it’s not only that, another person can’t 100% understand what you are saying, it’s impossible. if we describe something we are always only approximating towards the truth. and another person might have understood you to a point and is integrating what you have said, (to a point) even though the other person is not telling you: i understand. when we are convinced about our own interpretation it’s even more so.

try to see communication as intertwining threads that ad up to a yarn.

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1 hour ago, now is forever said:

if we describe something we are always only approximating towards the truth. and another person might have understood you to a point and is integrating what you have said, (to a point)

I didn't even describe truth. I was describing detective work. :)

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@bejapuskas  I like Nisargadatta "All that arises in consciousness is illusion" short and sweet!

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6 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

I didn't even describe truth. I was describing detective work. :)

well its all connected to detection.


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What is interesting is that he took 30 shot of 5-Meo and he's still not enlightened.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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