
Interesting points i took from leo's 23 page document

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"You must train yourself to stop seeing the universe from the human perspective — as if the universe only revolves around humans. "

"In fact, you must be able to see an infinite number of moves ahead to make sure that any design change actually makes the SUM TOTAL of the universe better rather than worse"

"For any person claiming to be awake or enlightened, the question must always be: what are you conscious of? Describe what you're conscious of in full detail. Don't be coy, don't play games, don't be humble."  

"Remember, it is the nature of every awakening that it feels total, final, and complete. Don't be fooled by this"

" You see the epistemic problem here? How do you know how deep the Buddha (or any other master) went? How do you know which aspects he awoke to and which ones he overlooked? You don't! That's the point. You assume you understand what the Buddha (or some enlightened master) was talking about, but the fact is you don't know that what you think they were talking about is actually what they were talking about. Whatever awakening you've had is not necessarily what they were talking about. They might have been pointing to something yet deeper of which you are still unaware. For those of you who consider yourselves awake, how do you know there's not something yet deeper, or some aspect you overlooked? You don't! So be very careful assuming you've reached the end because you probably haven't. Your mind will play tricks on you in this process. If you haven't had 5, 10, or 20 awakenings, you're nowhere near done yet."

"·        People just assume that God automatically knows himself, but it's not so simple. People don't think this through. Think about it this way, if there was a God, how would he come to know himself? By what process? You'd figure at some point in his history he would have to say, "What am I? Oh, right, I'm God! Duh!" Supposedly this moment of self-recognition would have to happen to God at least once in his existence for him to know he's God. Otherwise he would be God but not know it! Well… the moment you become enlightened will be that very moment. Ta-da!"

"Liberation comes from the realization that the universe is unlimited. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is denied to us. We can have it ALL! You just need to realize that you are the universe and why the universe must be unlimited. When you put those two realizations together you get heaven and pure bliss. There is nothing more you could want beyond the unlimited."

"Every piece — no matter how trivial it seems to you from your level — is important. To us humans certain things seem trivial, like dust particles and stray hairs, because they are trivial for our purposes of survival."

"An awakening/enlightenment experience is not the same thing as liberation. Liberation is much, much harder. Liberation means to be so radically transformed by the Truth that you live as God all the time... ·        Liberation is not for everyone and it is not to be taken lightly. Only the most hardcore spiritual seekers should pursue liberation. Liberation is not a mainstream idea nor should it be advocated to every random fool on Youtube. Only those of the highest wisdom will choose liberation."

"God doesn't get bored. It is endlessly fascinated by itself. It is unafraid to look at it self. Really look at itself."

". All of my philosophical seeking since the age of 15 has finally come to a close, resolving in the most delicious climax imaginable. The whole time I was searching for truth and understanding of existence, and in the end I found that I am the answer. I am God and I created it all out of nothing. The end. How many Western philosophers have come this far? Virtually none"

Just some new things i learnt, none the less @Leo Gura sounds like an eventful 30 days. I'm glad to read some of the thoughts that went through your mind, and got to know you a little bit better and might i even say more authentically than before. i've always thought it feels more organic to read someones direct thoughts then have them broadcast it to you in a video, or write them perfectly out in a book. just a tip i learnt over the many years of writing out my in time thoughts and reading them over. 

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