Will Science ever prove Non-Duality?

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@ajasatya No, no, no.

The movement of your hand is not at all the same as understanding Einstein's General Relativity and being able to predict the existence of a black hole 100 years before it is photographed.

You are underappreciating the degree of intelligence and understanding that goes into science. It is not so mechanical, and you cannot seperate it from truth in the way that you are trying to do.

You are creating a duality between science and truth. There is a profound connection between metaphysics and epistemology.

This issue is far more nuanced and profound, and no bit of forum explanation is going to do it justice.

You take understanding for granted. Genuine understanding is possible. This is a very amazing thing!

How is it that a dumb simplification can predict a black hole?

All of this must be deeply contemplated, not replied to with dismissive answers.

Without properly understanding this issue science and spirituality will not be integrated but fragmented from each other. In the future, mankind will integrate the two.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

How is it that a dumb simplification can predict a black hole?

it is dumb at some point. the prediction is not 100% accurate. no prediction made in science is 100% accurate. no model can ever be 100% accurate.

unborn Truth

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44 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

it is dumb at some point. the prediction is not 100% accurate. no prediction made in science is 100% accurate. no model can ever be 100% accurate.

You’re seem to be attached to this black and white 100% accuracy but. Of course it’s not 100% accurate but that doesn’t dismiss it at all. 

There’s still great usefulness. 

If a guru whose clairvoyant who makes a prediction that still has some vagueness that comes to fruition, is that to be dismissed? 

I’m not that deep into the metaphysics and epistimology of science as I’m not that involved in what goes in within the domain of science that deeply so I don’t want to go further into examples of black holes and what not because that’s not a domain I’m that familiar with. So that’s what I’ll say as far as that. 

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what i am saying is that science cannot express Truth, even though it's the goal. it's a beautiful and paradoxical dance.

i am in the duality between science and Truth as i am in the duality between the name of the emotion and the emotion itself. the duality between the name of a color and the perception of a color.

"there's still duality, thus falsity". no sir, duality is an intrinsic aspect of Truth O.o

unborn Truth

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1 hour ago, ajasatya said:

what i am saying is that science cannot express Truth

You are the placing this expectation on science.

You are also placing an expectation on models that they must be 100% accurate.

The issue isn't whether science will express Absolute Truth. The issue is, how does Absolute Truth/Infinite Intelligence work through science to generate scientific discoveries and models. A model is not supposed to be 100% accurate. That's not the issue. The issue is, how come you can understand anything about nature at all? Even with only 50% accuracy. That is still an amazing feat. And it's deeply connected to Infinite Intelligence.

Science is, after all, an expression of Absolute Truth. Constructions of the human mind are still God's handy-work.

How is it possible that science can produce a chemical which induces enlightenment? (And it can). What more could you want from science?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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