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The Problem of Brains

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Science: the concsious mind is in the outer layer of the brain and the subconcsious is the inner layers (core)

There is a physical world which our senses get data from, the brain analyses the data, does its best guess of whats out there, and here is the result. Pcychedelics affect the guess of the brain.


As Leo said: it's always first person subjective experience (which is true) and all of this is just appearances.

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The problem is that science likes to see what things are made of. It goes on and on and there are still layers upon layers of "it's made of x". I guess it ends with nothing.

The appareance paradigm goes straight to the point. It's a dream grounded in nothing, again.

Edited by Pouya

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Does this deny the fact that the conscious human being (false self tho) is not affected at all from this brain?

The me in the mind, the identity is totally based on the brain/mind.

If the brain dies I will die. Not the body.

As "the brain", i mean the mind.

Brain is an object, bunch of sensations.

The mind is .. ?

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"Everything is concsiousness"

It doesn't mean that this "dream" or "subjective experience" doesn't have physical laws and mathematical/geometrical patterns. 

Maybe science is right, but in the dream.

This is very confusing for me.

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The brain isn't what it appears to be or work. Become conscious of what the brain IS.

Edited by Highest

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