
Does Insanity is inevitable ?

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I'm at a point where I'm wondering if insanity is the only way to go.

I mean that, when your all sense starts to shift, how could you not becoming insane even for a few days/weeks ?

You go out and see only fleeting ants called human being doing their thing,

You look at a wall or a building and it's just, well nothing.

You sit in class, and even if you hear and see hundreds of other people, you still deepluy feel alone meta physically speaking.

You don't even know if your body/mind is actually real, it's just a bunch of perceptions, where they all seem to converge behind the eyes.

Is this only resistance, or is it unavoidable ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Look for the beauty in it.

Look for the beauty in impermanent people doing things that are meaningless.

When you look at a wall or a building, see the beauty in it.

When you sit in a room with a crowd of people shut off the mind and feel/tap into their energy, even if just for a moment. It's an incredibly cool thing. 

It's that connection with life and beauty that you're trying to grow. That love/connection will ground you. You're feeling like you're going insane because you don't feel grounded. You feel this way because you don't feel like you're a part of it, you don't feel the connection. Look for that. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Shin The "paranormal" can appear to be insane as it first appears. Yet it's only paranormal until it's no longer paranormal. Then it is normal.

The first time I dissolved into the collective conscious was in a cafe. It felt insane. I was like "just chill and go along for the ride". Now I kinda like it.

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I'm surprised you are asking this.  No, insanity is not necessary on the Path.  Maybe for noobs, temporarily, who are first going through initial Ego Transcendence experiences.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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18 minutes ago, cetus56 said:

@Serotoninluv The cafe is all that exists. You've always been in the cafe.

That totally captures the essence of it.

As I dissolved, anxiety increased. I tried to hold onto ground and became afraid I might freak out. A  thought appeared in my mind "noone will know you are insane unless you let them know you are insane".  I don't know the source of the thought, yet it wasn't the Mocha Java talkin'.  A few minutes later there was peace. . . 

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15 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm surprised you are asking this. 

I don't try to look like I know something I don't anymore.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin That all sounds totally sane to me. A couple weeks ago I was communicating with trees. Is that insane? Deep spirituality? A Turquoise magic wand?

All I know is I can't talk to anyone in RL about it, except my gf - she is weird too. We are the only ones that can be weird together.

And don't forget, you had one of your biggest breakthroughs after walls in your bedroom talked to you. . . 

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Holding onto fear is resistance. Can we see how knowledge is fear? 

37 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

When you sit in a room with a crowd of people shut off the mind and feel/tap into their energy, even if just for a moment. It's an incredibly cool thing. 

How to tap into this magic? 

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25 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

I don't know the source of the thought,

Yes you do. It's what bought you to be here.

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42 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

When you sit in a room with a crowd of people shut off the mind and feel/tap into their energy, even if just for a moment. It's an incredibly cool thing. 


Sometimes I sit in cafes / restaurants and dissolve. Every cafe / restaurant has a unique background noise and energy with the chatter and hustle/bustle. It's like an organism. One can dissolve into it and become it. It's super cool.

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10 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Shin That all sounds totally sane to me. A couple weeks ago I was communicating with trees. Is that insane? Deep spirituality? A Turquoise magic wand?

All I know is I can't talk to anyone in RL about it, except my gf - she is weird too. We are the only ones that can be weird together.

And don't forget, you had one of your biggest breakthroughs after walls in your bedroom talked to you. . . 

Wait did the trees say anything or was it more of an empathetic kind of connection? 

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Creating a reputation on a forum can easily become another perpetuated identification/obstacle 

@Serotoninluvbut how does one surrender to this collective energy field? 

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7 minutes ago, DrewNows said:

Creating a reputation on a forum can easily become another perpetuated identification/obstacle 

@Serotoninluvbut how does one surrender to this collective energy field? 

Haha yes. Yet if new identifications continually arise, none of them take root and hold O.o

Entering collective is hard for me to do. I've only had that be the center of consciousness a few times. Usually it's partial or a brief in and out.

I'd say a deeply relaxed state of mind is helpful. A little imagination. Sort of like falling asleep. You relax and just let it happen. Sometimes, the personality gets blindsided and it happens suddenly. Last winter I was walking around a University Campus while it was snowing. I was struck by how beautiful it was and became totally in the moment. My life dissolved and the whammo!! I was a snow globe and my whole field of perception was within me (as a snow globe).

I've done it within my field of perception, yet no further. I can also happen with individual entities.

I really wish I could lucid dream or astral project. I've been wanting to for years, yet can't do it.

15 minutes ago, zambize said:

Wait did the trees say anything or was it more of an empathetic kind of connection? 

Not verbal. Not language. Not thought or feeling. Yet much closer to feeling than thought. Sort of empathic. 

There is a knowing. A form of connection. I also sensed a Native American who had been there with the tree and understood. The only words that arose were Mother Tree and there was an understanding of all beings that have gone to old wise trees to connect. She was a powerful teacher. There was also other communication that appeared through nature.

It was perhaps the strongest Trans-human experience I have had. 

I'm really getting into this kinda stuff. Turquoise is fun. 

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@Serotoninluvawesome ? yes I think feeling love also can easily create this connection. We get so accustomed to looking for differences and judging instead of taking in the EXPERIENCE. 

I’ve been learning about dog psychology to do training and rehabilitation practices and it has literally blown me away learning about how dogs think (pack leaders, energy focused,polarities, and surrendering into the submissive role). I want to create a thread about it because some of it is very relatable to consciousness work, working through trauma and overcoming fear

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@DrewNows Bird murmurations and wolf packs have shown collective consciousness. 

Humans are so immersed in their own heads and thinking. There are higher levels. I’m seeing more and more people evolving higher.  

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1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

@Shin That all sounds totally sane to me. A couple weeks ago I was communicating with trees. Is that insane? Deep spirituality? A Turquoise magic wand?

All I know is I can't talk to anyone in RL about it, except my gf - she is weird too. We are the only ones that can be weird together.

And don't forget, you had one of your biggest breakthroughs after walls in your bedroom talked to you. . . 

That's funny that you said you were communicating with trees.  I don't even want to tell you my story about my experiences with that same thing.  Thank God it was a phase I went through right around the time I was losing my religious beliefs and doing my initial shifts in Enlightenment Work a couple of years ago.  But I had some major mystical experiences like that around that time.  I think there is a kind of mystical stage that you can go through when you're first starting to transcend the Ego.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Shin insanity is unavoidable, but it will stop being insanity when it becomes the new normal. Then you'll even like it. Focusing on love has helped me. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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2 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I'm surprised you are asking this.  No, insanity is not necessary on the Path.  Maybe for noobs, temporarily, who are first going through initial Ego Transcendence experiences.

For your own sake I sure hope you don't eat your own words, but let me tell you, it has nothing with being a noob, lol.  Insanity or the cusp ofi is talked about by a number of awakened teachers, many of which were not "noobs" at the point in which it happened.  Trust me you will change your toon real quick if life puts you in such a situation in your now beyond noobness.

Edited by Mu_

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10 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

For your own sake I sure hope you don't eat your own words, but let me tell you, it has nothing with being a noob, lol.  Insanity or the cusp ofi is talked about by a number of awakened teachers, many of which were not "noobs" at the point in which it happened.  Trust me you will change your toon real quick if life puts you in such a situation in your now beyond noobness.

In my experience it's for noobs.  I went through it.  You're fine to disagree with me, but you can't really disprove me.  I'm speaking from my experience.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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