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What God is and isn't

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God cannot be pointed to as it is Everything.

God cannot be described by the mind or language because God is formless and prior to both the mind and language.

God cannot be located. God is non-local and simply just IS.

God is Omnipotent and Love.

One can only become conscious or aware of God.


I don't know where people are at their spiritual life but ask yourself "What am I?". Keep your focus on that question alone. Keep your awareness, direct experience and being on that question.

You are not the mind. Find out who is aware of the mind and it's activities. You are not the body, find out who moves and controls it. You are not an "I". Find out the source of "I". What is it? Where does it come from? Does it actually exist or is real? Find out That which is the absence of "I". That You Are.



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