
I dont understand one thing in this Leos video

25 posts in this topic

17 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Truth Addict I dont know...Ego causes suffering

And what is ego?

Could ideas about what causes happiness be some part of ego?

Could something like this be some part of ego:

5 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Truth Addict Concept:decieving,lying to yourself,sabotaging,leading yourself astray etc.

3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Truth Addict If you didnt notice those things are the reason someones life sucks...

2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Truth Addict Suffering,sadness,depression,confusion etc.


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@NoSelfSelf  It feels to me as if you were just simply parroting what Leo says in his videos without contemplating things on your own or having any serious spiritual breakthroughs or insights. Do you actually do the practices or are you just talk? Be honest to yourself about this.

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@Truth Addict idk why you asking me all this qeastions....

@bejapuskas if i told you i did ill be boasting if i told you i didnt you know ill be lying -Leo Gura

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I'm helping you re-evaluating your concepts.

It seemed to me at first that you wanted to stop bullshitting yourself, and I was asking you accordingly.

I'll just leave you with this to contemplate on:

"Spirituality is bullshit."

I'm sorry if I caused any distress.

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@NoSelfSelf  I want to hear from you, not from Leo. You don't need to answer, just say it to yourself, the practices are crucial.

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