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If the consensus is that there is no free will, does everything happen for a reason?

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If there is no free will, what do you think is everything happening with an intention or a reason?

For example people getting cancer and subsequently dying way too early and leaving behind a sad family. Or People getting a heroine addiction that ruins their lives.

Mental illnesses? people becoming insane due to trauma or drug abuse, did the trauma the drug abuse and the mental illness happen because the higher consciousness was wanting it? Is there no way it could have happened differently?

Or even Donald Trump becoming the weirdest president and making the world look 4 years like a clown show where you can say anything weird and stupid and it's just how it is now.


Can we by raising our awareness/consciousness partake in this decision-making or is there no point to it as some think there is no free will anyway and therefore everything just happens as God wants it. And does God/he have an intention and reason to make things happen as they happen?


I hope this all makes sense to you :)

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No amount of theorizing and thinking is gonna give you the correct answer. But when you realize, the questions disappear. 

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For people there are billions of reasons, for consciousness it just happens.

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How are you going to know what it´s like to 'insert tragic life situation' if you don´t try it?

If everything exists then that situation exists as well. Good or bad is a human invention.

Who are you to say that Trump is a "bad thing" maybe he is exactly what America need in order to grow?
Humans don´t know shit, so just relax and enjoy the ride :)

Destruction and Creation, Life and Death are closely linked

Edited by luckieluuke

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@Jkris Yeah nothing is meaningless :) It's a personal curiosity you know, as I have some really tragic cases in my near family and also extreme traumatic and unfortunate events happened to my brother that he had no way of controlling it to not happen, also current political affairs and events in the past make me curious to know if in any event there is an intention a meaning in order to learn and experience (Let's state for example the two world wars, the holocaust and so on) so I am looking to know if there is meaning behind it. 

If events like this happen by coincidence than okay but if there is intention by a divine intelligence that would make things more plausible.


@FoxFoxFox What is there to realize and how can I or somebody realize? And realizing what exactly do you mean?


Edited by Schahin

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@Schahin By realization i mean when the truth has been revealed. It happens when all identification with the body/mind disapears. 

I'm saying you are using the wrong tool. The mind is simply not the right tool to figure out existential dilemmas. 

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No matter how curious you are you will never get the answers that will satisfy your curiosity - mind. One answer will lead to another question. Its a never ending trap - delusion. 

You are simply assigning concepts like god divine intervention meaning purpose of creation life mostly due to religious craps.

God is love. Why there is so much evil in the world? Why the creation is not perfect? Why the god is not punishing evil crimes then and there? 

All questions are based on the basic assumption build on the concept god isnt it? 

When you become realized all these questions will get dropped. 

( note :- I am not enlightened) 





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