How Can you possibly Love Everything?

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For me, loving everything is just a feeling. It is not that conceptual, like: „Oh, I love this. Show me another thing to prove, that I love it. Oh, trashcans? I also love these!“ This is not real love imo. If you try to conceptualize it, it will bring you further away and the experience won't last as long.

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Thanks for sharing that depth. I see Abraham / Ester as having an entirely different approach. Its neat seeing it so differently, and it’s good to know there are teachers out there like you who go to such a level to reach their students. ??






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6 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

If you can’t gain the trust of someone they won’t open up. If you cannot create a safe space for someone they won’t open up.  He didn’t trust her and he did not feel safe to reveal his deeper fears and insecurities. It can be very diffucult to establish that. You’ve got to know someone deeply. Imagine establishing a knowing and trust in 5 min. that others can’t acheive in 5 years. I’d say empathic tools is one of the most powerful to do this. It blows compassion away. I’m not talking about green toys. I’m talking Turquoise wizards using wands. 

For those skilled with it, we can directly experience someone. It is a form of reading. It is a rich source of information and can establish deep trust at both conscious and subconscious levels. Entering each other and knowing / accessing deep fears, issues and blocks. And I don’t think creating a loving, supportive, healing collective conscious is bad for a group. I lived in a Turquoise level community for a bit and it’s one of healthiest communities I’ve ever been in. 

Do you really think he has hidden behind that worn-out hat his whole life, can’t show his face to others, has intense fear of being seen and of cameras because other people are suffering? C’mon. That’s just a smokescreen to avoid his deeper more painful issues. Something broke that guy and made him hide behind that hat. If his primary issue was being upset about the suffering of others he wouldn’t be at a spiritual retreat terrified that someone might see the real him behind his hat. 

How often do you see an older man wear a grungy worn-out hat indoors at a spiritual retreat and pull it down over his face so noone can see him. Never. And it’s not because he feels bad about starving kids in Africa. 

Do you realize how analytical this is in its essence though? Women generally don't analyze much at all when they connect people, it's all intuitive, it's all be feeling. And with spirituality it has to be because it's the thinking that disconnects us. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, mandyjw said:

Do you realize how analytical this is in its essence though? Women generally don't analyze much at all when they connect people, it's all intuitive, it's all be feeling. And with spirituality it has to be because it's the thinking that disconnects us. 

Yes, I agree. I wrote earlier that when I first watched the video I was experiencing nearly all emotional, empathic and intuitive modes - I wasn't thinking much at all during the video.

Someone asked me for my impressions on the emotional level and I said would do my best to translate my nonverbal experience to verbal /,which would unfortunately come across as analytical, yet that certainly wasn’t what happens in real time. And now that I’ve over-analyzed it, my original non-analyrical essence has been altered and mistly lost.

I agree that intellectual analysis disconnects emotionally and intuitively and that women in general are better at using the modes of communication. 

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


Thanks for sharing that depth. I see Abraham / Ester as having an entirely different approach. Its neat seeing it so differently, and it’s good to know there are teachers out there like you who go to such a level to reach their students. ??

This is the only video of Abraham I’ve seen. As well, it’s a rare case in which I felt thatva vulnerability/insecurity issue was primary. This is the first time I connected empathically to someone from a video, So it was a rare unique case. 

I think I would likely see most of her videos very differently. What I wrote wouldn’t apply in 99% of the cases. 

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@mandyjw How beautiful is the blooming though? What’s it like to be you, being able to witness from there? Men (generally / typically) must see causations to realize they were their psychological causations (intellectual), then comes what is already for you, not intellectual. You started with it, you didn’t need to arrive at it. This make any sense? Another way to put it is Heroshima. That’s the ego males must overcome. It is a tricky, tricky devil.



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@SQAAD There is no how. Willing to accept that or not? All “hows” - “must go”. Your “how” is “your” psychology. Go donate it, give it to a river. Be done. You’ll then see love without it. You’ll never arrive there. It is you who watches the videos you mention, while you ask how to love everything. Start with not supporting what you don’t support. ♥️

Consider there was no video before you created it in consciousness, and tricked “yourself” into believing “someone else did”. Consider the entirety, or the all-enclusiveness of Experience.



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Just a few more thoughts on vulnerability, insecurity and isolation dynamics. 

I've had this dynamic with my 10 year old niece. She has entered deeply into dream worlds and is losing her capacity to differentiate dream reality and "real reality". She has gone through tons of therapy. Everyone loves her and wants to help her. Yet there is a underlying message that there is something wrong with her. She has developed all sorts of neuroses.. Last winter I spent a half day with her and we got deeply immersed into her dreams and that reality. I loved her regardless. Just for being her. I had no agenda. At one point she started crying and said "You are the only one in the my worlds I can talk to like this". 

I know what it’s like to lose touch with dream and real reality. I know the anxiety and panic. Thinking I’m going insane. I know the fear of what others would think. That they think I’m weird. Of feeling something is wrong with me. Of people not accepting me, telling me I should think or be different. If I would only do this or think like that then I’ll be normal and feel better. Of being disconnected. Fear of viulnerability. My niece and I have those same dynamics. We get each other. We deeply connect and can enter each others worlds. We connected within 5 min. in ways that therapists and parents have not in years of work. They have compassion and mean well, yet they don’t “get it”. They can help in certain ways, yet they cannot connect like someone who knows from direct experience. After five minutes together we were BOTH like “omigosh you get it!!!You know!!” It’s incredibly powerful and beautiful.

People tell her “you are not abnormal and I love you”. They then speak to her as if she is abnormal and she feels unloved. She shuts down and puts defenses up.

When we get together we know we e are both weird. Weird bonds with weird. We love each other including our weirdness. We feel fully loved together and appreciate each other. We don’t try to change each other. We don’t think one of our views are better. We are in the same boat and help each other. It is a special form of connection and it only occurs when both people are in the same boat together. It doesn’t work when someone outside the boat is yelling that you aren’t doing it right and you should be doing it like I say. That can also be helpful, yet it’s a very different dynamic. 

I’m not saying Anraham did something “wrong” or another way is “better”. I’m just saying I think there is another dynamic here to consider. I think being open to various dynamics and integrating them can be helpful.

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@Serotoninluv I love that example of connecting with your niece. Abraham Hicks' teachings are very much in line with that kind of connection too. There was one video I recently watched where she even talked about autism and how important it is to see past what's wrong with kids to truly connect. My six year old son is autistic so I really know that from experience as that's my life. I thought her teachings were so materialist and fake for so long, I wish I'd known what I was missing sooner. She's helped me get over things that were really blocking me and destroying my happiness because I kept clinging to truth at the expense of my connection with life. The connection with life was the prize I really wanted. My quest for truth was based on a false belief all along anyway. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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On 27/03/2019 at 7:30 AM, SQAAD said:

Just go to a website like bestgore. After watching some rape, murder & torture videos my ego got really angry, upset and frustrated. 

I cannot even imagine myself going through THIS MUCH LEVEL of suffering & pain. This level of pain is beyond human comprehension. It's disturbing to acknowledge this things exist to say the least. If you live in fantasy land then its not a problem.

How can you possibly love  & embrace something like that???

Even if I AM all these murderers, rapists etc , Even if Everything is me that doesn't help me feel better. Now i hate myself even more.

You (mind) can't ever love everything, I'm not even sure what is it that the mind calls love. I just watched the last video from Leo, and I had really great realizations from it, a few hours later I was doing my stuff when I suddenly became aware of infinity love, even while the experience was happening I couldn't understand or conceptualize it, it's not even a feeling/emotion, it's something indescribable, it's far, far away from the human understanding, it's a love for everything, unconditional love, love for all of reality simultaneously, it's infinity love, so it has to contain and love everything, it's beyond judgments, beyond good/bad, right/wrong.

For it to be infinity love it has to love/be everything, every possibility, every unfolding of event, imagine that a tree falls down and it kills a kid, from the human perspective it's impossible to love something like this, but infinity love doesn't see it that way, it loves the tree, the kid, the interaction between them, it's a love for itself, because it sees the reality of them.

The overwhelming experience lasted for half an hour I think, the only thing I could do was crying and say, but how is it possible ?

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4 hours ago, mandyjw said:

@Serotoninluv I love that example of connecting with your niece. Abraham Hicks' teachings are very much in line with that kind of connection too. There was one video I recently watched where she even talked about autism and how important it is to see past what's wrong with kids to truly connect. My six year old son is autistic so I really know that from experience as that's my life. I thought her teachings were so materialist and fake for so long, I wish I'd known what I was missing sooner. She's helped me get over things that were really blocking me and destroying my happiness because I kept clinging to truth at the expense of my connection with life. The connection with life was the prize I really wanted. My quest for truth was based on a false belief all along anyway. 

Thank you. 

I've been reflecting on what I wrote and considering all the feedback I have received. I think having my own experience with the video may have limited my vision.

Today in one of my classes, we discussed traits of a good psychologist / counselor. The type of connection I had with my niece was really helpful to her. Yet that connection is only one piece of the puzzle. Will that connection we had help her with the practical aspect of getting through school, interacting with friends and her psychological issues? Perhaps a bit. Yet she also needs the trained psychologists, her parents and her service dog. 

Similarly, regarding the video - I think I was too critical of Abraham. She is offering a piece of the puzzle as well - one that I am not skilled with. My sense has changed more toward us all being on the same team. That we are all contributing our own gifts.

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