How Can you possibly Love Everything?

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Just go to a website like bestgore. After watching some rape, murder & torture videos my ego got really angry, upset and frustrated. 

I cannot even imagine myself going through THIS MUCH LEVEL of suffering & pain. This level of pain is beyond human comprehension. It's disturbing to acknowledge this things exist to say the least. If you live in fantasy land then its not a problem.

How can you possibly love  & embrace something like that???

Even if I AM all these murderers, rapists etc , Even if Everything is me that doesn't help me feel better. Now i hate myself even more.

Edited by SQAAD

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Ye it's horrible, but here are some positive facts:

1. It's temporary and reliefs one

2. Grows one

3. Negativity, especially in extreme forms, is rare, the natural state is of love

4. It exists as perception of mind

Ramana Maharshi said suffering is a infinitesimal small part of the infinite reality.

But they did this out of ignorance, confusion, why hate yourself? Are we not allowed to make mistakes. learn, grow?

And extremely nice positive loving experiences are possible, because we can know the contrast.

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@SQAAD You (ego) cannot.

Egolessness is required. Surrender is required. Deep, profound surrender.

Consciousness is required. Profound consciousness. A blinding radiance that bleaches out all shadows.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It seems horrible from your pov.

However, from the criminals' pov, it seems like the best thing in the world.

Who's to say which one is true?

Edited by Truth Addict

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You have the power to focus on whatever you want and draw into your experience whatever you want. There's absolutely no value in seeking out or giving any of that stuff your attention unless it is unavoidably your experience in the present moment. 

If your intent is to feel better give attention to that which makes you feel good. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@SQAAD You sure?
Sounds like you’re saying there’s an I which could hate a myself. That’s two selfs.  The tongue can’t taste, (or hate in this case), itself. That’s ridiculous.



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@SQAAD Where do you draw the line between who deserves love and who does not? Can you give examples of people that are borderline for deserving love? What specific objective criteria should we use to judge whether someone deserves to be loved or not?

My neighboor leaves trash on his lawn and is rude to me, Yet he seems to be a decent father to his kids. I think he is on the borderline wether he deserves love or not. 

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@Serotoninluv I don't know. I watched a video few days ago. A little girl at the age of my sister was walking by the road to visit a church. 

A guy stopped by with his car and FORCED her inside the car and raped her. I got very emotional.

If that happened to my sister i would wanna kill and torture really bad that guy. That's how i feel about it. 

Edited by SQAAD

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5 hours ago, SQAAD said:

my ego got really angry, upset and frustrated

That's fine, no real problem with that. Still unconditional love was present :)

That is why it is unconditional, because it is love even when there is anger, upset and frustration.

If you would look closely at your experience, you would find it there even in that situation, I guarantee.

So, you were loving it, you just didn't realize.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

A blinding radiance that bleaches out all shadows.

I assume you’re not referring to the character shadow correct? That can still remain totally and sometimes even get worse post enlightenment. Hell, it seems like the case even with the most massive enlightenments.

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

@Serotoninluv I don't know. I watched a video few days ago. A little girl at the age of my sister was walking by the road to visit a church. 

A guy stopped by with his car and FORCED her inside the car and raped her. I got very emotional.

If that happened to my sister i would wanna kill and torture really bad that guy. That's how i feel about it. 

Yes, I understand that visceral reaction and have experienced it myself. 

The question becomes whether you want to expand your capacity to love. I've found that focusing on a horrendous events of murderers and rapists is a distraction from expanding one's capacity to love. It allows the ego to remain contracted within it's limited capacity for love.

If you want to expand your capacity to love, it is much better to focus on borderline cases that are in the grey area for the personality. Each personality has a different judgement barometer. 

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@SQAAD The love spoken by Sufis and Jesus is not the same love as you know it, which really is just affect. 

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Just because others suffer doesn't mean you have to. It is their free will, to choose dis-integrative states of being.

By being aware of all of this and letting it get to one's self, it creates the same state of being that those people are on, which is doing exactly what we say is not preferable in our world. Thus, we continue to create the exact same cycles of suffering.

Someone, at some point, has to step into joy and love. Might as well be the reader of these words. Feels really good to be a beacon of light in a world of darkness, because having an enlightened perspective makes the whole body feel... lighter, and really enjoyable.


Jiddu Krishnamurti once said "You know what my secret is? I don't mind what happens".

The man who showed the most profound love for all humanity, doesn't mind! He doesn't mind! That (en)lightens the load, does it not?

Edited by Rokazulu

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I feel like unconciousness and conciousness had a dialogue of the deaf.

When I am unconciousness, I listen the people who is conciousness, I listen, but I cannot feel it, so I look for demonstration to prove that is right, because I really wanna be better. then I check the website like bestgore and then I feel more confuse, angry, upset and frustrated. 

People who are conciousness still try to help, with their own truly experience. 

Disconnected. just like parents knows everyhing, they do help, child listen, but never understand,

If enlightenment only happened on a right moment, why do people still help?

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2 hours ago, SQAAD said:

i would wanna kill and torture really bad that guy. That's how i feel about it. 

Next guys thread: Saw a video where this guy tortured and kills a rapist. Man I just want to kill and torture that guy.  

Next guys thread: Saw this video where this guy kills this guy for torturing and killing this guy, who was a rapist. 

Next guy...is you.  

It stops with you? 

You got that kind of love in you?

Better find out, or you’ll keep sleeping through this life all cozy and blame like. 

It’s super easy to hate and blame. Super easy...right? 




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56 minutes ago, Nahm said:

It’s super easy to hate and blame. Super easy...right? 

Next guy...is you.  

It's loop. Get you. 

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It's all God and from that point of view nothing is rejected or seen as bad or wrong.  It's just God's dream and doing. The dream matters nothing for God aka You. It matters only for the ego.

Edited by Highest

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