Adam M

5g Silent Darkness Mushroom Trip Report

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This has been my most powerful and profound trip to date. Including the closest I have got to any type of awakening experience.


Yesterday morning I did 5g of magic mushrooms at around about 10am and locked myself in by basement bathroom in complete silence and darkness until 4pm.

I had hundreds of profound insights about the nature of mind, reality, vibrations, energy and creation...including my first glimpse of the magnitude of infinity.


In the days preceding my mushroom trip, I consulted these tarot cards that I have about whether or not doing this trip was a good idea.

I gave myself a reading with the tarot cards and I really like this method for judging whether or not tripping at a particular time is a good idea or not.

It's like how Terrence McKenna says in this video:

Where he consults the oracle. (skip to 15:50)


But anyways I got very good signs from my reading that I did on myself and one of my girl-friends who is a reader also agreed that the trip was a good idea so I decided to do it.


I chewed 5g of the mushrooms on an empty stomach and preemptively took a ginger pill to handle any nauseousness.



Then I filled up my bathroom in my basement with cushions and blankets and covered the windows so it was as dark as possible.


The Trip Begins

I sat down cross legged in the dark and meditated as I waited for the shrooms to come on. I set my intention to receive insight about the nature of reality and conciousness.

After about 30-40 minutes I began to feel the familiar shroomy feeling of wavy energy enter my body and I allowed my body to sway with the energy as I tried to stay anchored on my breathing.

My breathing began to feel more full as this energy pulsed through my body and it felt amazing.

For about an hour I was enjoying the climb up towards the peak which was filled with the energy beginning to work its way into my mind and creating long and profound thought chains about the ego, survival, and creation. At one point I called my friend for a couple minutes just to tell him how awesome I'm feeling.


I'm a Millionaire

Recently I've been reading a lot about affirmations and the law of attraction. 

As the energy was pulsing through my body and becoming stronger I got visions of how reality creates itself through vibrations at every second and I felt the urge to affirm "I'm a millionaire." over and over and over again.

At this point I also started recording myself (in pitch black but I captured the audio of me talking).

As I continued affirming "I'm a millionaire" I got super happy as if I had just won the lottery. 

I realised the power of affirmations and for a good 20 minutes I was in ecstasy at the idea that I am actually a millionaire.

I fully believed in the affirmation and I was able to See the vibrations beginning to manifest millions of dollars in my bank account.

This is when I got many profound insights about the process of creation and how reality creates through no mechanism but through direct consciousness and that if I can focus my attention on those positive vibrations of "I'm a millionaire" then I will spontaneously create a million dollars.



Again, I have this whole section of the trip recorded and I would describe this part as nearing the peak of the trip.

I began writhing and rolling around on the floor as the energy invaded my body and brain and it felt fucking amazing.

I am just yelling "Holy fuck, oh my God, Holy fucking shit this is amazing, what the fuck is happening to me, holy fuck the vibrations are just creating every second."  for like 20 minutes straight as I'm swimming through the cushions and blankets in a complete full-body orgasm.

At this point I feel like my whole body is being healed and reborn which was actually predicted in my card reading that I gave myself earlier.

At this point I'm laughing and crying and rambling and having the most profound experience of my life...

I also had the insight "Being is vibration." but idk how accurate that is but it made sense at the time.

"I'm not seeing anything but I'm being everything."


Side note: I watched the whole video back and even though its pitch black at certain points you can clearly see white "snowflakes" floating around the screen as if the camera was picking up the enormously high amounts of energy that was invading my being. (coincidentally the power also went out in my town around this time but I didn't notice until later) 


A Glimpse of Infinity

After  I turned off the recording I was continuing my orgasmic bliss exclamations of "Holy fuck Holy fuck" and my thoughts spontaneously began to move into even more profound territory.

These weren't regular thoughts because they were very vivid and I could feel  them more fully than normal so I would feel safe saying that this was closer to direct consciousness than just regular thoughts.

There was one particular thought chain that I do not fully remember that basically lead to the realisation that I am nothing more than energy and that I am made of the same energy that everything else is made out of...At this point I felt my sense of ego begin to weaken more and more and I was beginning to contemplate the idea of dying and how it wouldn't be a problem at all because I'm just vibrations...At this point I became aware that I was very close to total ego death but I was not able to go fully over the edge...probably because I haven't done enough spiritual practice or I needed more substance....

Then there was another thought chain that showed me the magnitude of how infinite reality is...I feel like this particular thought chain was very "grand" and it was very charged with energy and I was having direct consciousness of every cell in every life form on Earth and how each cell is its own organism that wants to survive and reproduce and I realised "Its infinite! Its infinite! Its infinite!" and I was completely blown away and at the same time I was on all fours with my head down and I felt the energy spontaneously leave out through my feet with several violent trembles.

And then everything was still and silent.



There was a huge contrast between the loud and energetic thought-chains and the silence that followed.

My whole body was buzzing and trembling and I just lay down in awe for like 5 minutes and my mind was very quiet and still.

Then I sat up and began to look around and this is where the feeling began that I was not in control of my movements at all and I was just the observer.

I looked around the bathroom (my eyes had adjusted to the darkness) and I was tripping out like "What the fuck just happened? Am I enlightened? What the hell..."

I was on the brink of tears and I was so gracious to have had the opportunity to glimpse even a little hair on the tail of the ox. (Which is what I think it was)

I felt a very weak sense of ego still residing so I knew that I wasn't enlightened but I was definitely closer to ego-lessness than I have ever been.

After about 20 minutes the sense of self began re-forming again but I still maintained that sense of being the observer and not having control over my actions.


I just sat in awe and silence for another 30 minutes and then my Dad came home and I turned on the lights to realise how distorted and shroomy my vision was...I took sooooo much shrooms.

So I just buzzed out in the bathroom for another 20 minutes and then I tried to go up to my room to rest in my bed because I was exhausted...

I couldn't sleep and I definitely couldn't get comfortable but I just tried to relax and allow myself to come down from the high.


Around 6pm I was feeling a bit better and I was interacting with my family in a semi-normal way and we ate dinner together and stuff and everything turned out well.


That night I had a piercing headache that prevented me from sleeping restfully.

I'm feeling an ego backlash coming on but I'm just chilling out and not working too much so that I can recover fully.



- I have a lot more consciousness work to do but idk if I'm ready yet at this point in my life...I need to handle my survival first.

- 5g in silent darkness is definitely an amazing way to do mushrooms

- Thoughts manifest into reality 

- I'm a millionaire

- reality creates itself every second without a mechanism

- reality appears to be infinite

- shrooms are a powerful tool for consciousness growth

- consult the cards


Thanks for reading! :)


I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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That's how growin is done!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Adam M this is honestly giving me a lot more confidence in my first upcoming psychedelic trip on lsd likely this week. 

Happy for you man ❤️



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Awesome! Good luck dude I'm gonna do lsd soon I just need to a find a suitable place to do it...since I dont live alone i may consider renting an airbnb for a day@kieranperez

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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@Adam M Motel room works just as well. On LSD, even a dirty bathroom will be so interesting and profound you will never be bored. You can easily spend 5 hours tripping in a bathroom and have the time of your life.

The kingdom of heaven is within ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Sometimes when I get into a trip I have this urge to shout/sing and express the energy in quite disturbing ways(for an external witness that is). So a motel room wouldn't be ideal for me. I think you need to check with yourself if it is the right place to be. I wouldn't want someone worry and come knocking at the door while I am tripping ahah. 

Sailing on the ceiling 


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@Rigel @Leo Gura yeah I'll think about it...idk what to expect yet on the lsd trip so I'll have to do more research and then I will decide where to stay

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Adam M Motel room works just as well. On LSD, even a dirty bathroom will be so interesting and profound you will never be bored. You can easily spend 5 hours tripping in a bathroom and have the time of your life.

The kingdom of heaven is within ;)

Yeah that’s probably what I might do

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@Adam M Damn, it’s a great idea to rent an apartment at air bnb! I’m also have a hard time to trip at my place fully alone without worries about neighbors. 

Edited by Ar_Senses

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Is LSD also well suited for a dark room trip? Or are shroms the way to go? 

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