
CFS/ ME/ Fibromyalgia

23 posts in this topic

As someone affected by chronic illnesses such as ME through the years, I'm very curious to know if fellow members of this community have anything to share with regards to putting the symptoms on leash. I know some people have succeeded in leading a productive life despite the malady. There is noteworthy anecdotal evidence of patients recoveries using chinese herbs and medicine. Leo has mentioned he is dealing with similar conditions himself. Hearing from you guys and your feedback can be very rewarding and is greatly appreciated!

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This guy has a great no-nonsense channel for M.E recovery.    -Just checked though and it seems most his videos are missing.

I'll also just do a quick post of what I believe.

Basically this illness can be recovered from and perhaps may be true for all cases. Most people won't do the work required to get there though. 

First thing is to have the attitude and belief that you will get better. The next most important thing is working through any stuck emotions in your body. Your body is constantly working to heal itself and emotions that aren't released can really put a strain on your body. You want your body to be in the parasympathetic relaxed nervous state so it can heal. Learning about your emotional states and how to relax your body is very important.

Next most important thing is diet. If you have the will power, then consider making your diet really healthy and getting rid of any foods that aren't going to aid your healing. You can go extreme but it can also be a good idea to keep it simple yet balanced. Such as having a diet of food that is easy to prepare, but is also healthy and stuff you like to eat. A few basic supplements such as magnesium, vitamin d, fish oil are handy.

Getting a solid sleep routine is also key. 

There's a lot more I could post about this issue, but I'm about to go to bed and would have to really think about it because I went through this stuff a long time ago

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I don't believe that CFS is a disease. Too many people seem to be suffering from it in the west. It is a disbalance to our body's homeostasis caused by the terrible lifestyle we lead, stress, lack of movement, sunshine and general nutrient deficiency. 

Before you sell your ass to the medical industry see if there is something you can do. 

  1. Fix your diet, cut out everything that is processed, fizzy rinks, sweets, pastries, cornflakes, dairy, all sources of white sugar and heavy animal foods. Don't drink anything but water and herbal tea, everything else should go. 
  2. Get in as much natural food as possible (fruits, veggies, beans, lentils, wholegrains, more water, if you like add some Omega 3 eggs (that's their name) from clean sources and a fish couple times a week if you'd like (sardines , salmon, anchovies and mackrel seem to be the best, forget tuna that's a toxic mercury dump). 
  3. Eat 3 times a day regularly, make sure to eat your breakfast, and have 2 snacks in between. 
  4. Consider including magnesium (up to 300mg) and B-complex into your diet. These two together are key elements for production of ATP, your main energy unit. This alone is cause for many CFSs in people, simple nutrient lack. 
  5. Get outside and move every day, take a break in the afternoon and go out. Your retina needs to be exposed to sunlight to reduce production of adenosin and melatonin that both make you lethargic and sleepy. 
  6. cut all stimulants (coffee, redbulls, taurine drinks etc..)
  7. get at least 20 min of sunshine if possible
  8. Drink enough water (2l a day)
  9. Find a healthy sleep routine devoid of any electronics 2 hours prior to yoru bed time, ensure your room is pitch black and dont eat straight before bed time. 

There is a loooot you can try yourself, just don't give up, these issues can definitelly be fixed in 90% cases. Sometimes there is a deep rooted issue. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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@Michael569 Thanks Michael. Your feedback and info gave me lots of hope and empowerment. You have no idea how many ppl are in the dark about this CFS/ME issue when mainstream specialists don't seem to have any clue about it. God bless you guys! 

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@Merkabah @Michael569 Nutrition is complicated need to follow the autoimmune protocol diet, things like fruits and whole grains, most beans and lentils are NOT healthy. Highly recommend reading the plant paradox and following its teachings/nutrition guide.

Also do NOT take b complex, biggest mistake people make, everyone who takes it is overdosing, it acts like a stimulant so people thing its working, its not, its actually causing major issues.

This has cured 8 years of debilitating issues within a few months. Good luck :) 

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1 hour ago, integral said:

Nutrition is complicated need to follow the autoimmune protocol diet, things like fruits and whole grains, most beans and lentils are NOT healthy. Highly recommend reading the plant paradox and following its teachings/nutrition guide.

Plant paradox is an elimination diet that bashes on foods supporting prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes a metabolic syndrome, the menace of western population. These are the foods you listed as harmful: lentils, beans, fruits and Whole grains. Gaundry's diet has been challenged many times and many of his claims are easily disputable. Coming from standard diets, one may get some help but eventually most people are unable to reintroduce these foods even once the gut has been "healed" it is exactly the same for carnivore diet. 

And to top it up, Gaundry is selling a large scale of supplements that he is trying top push on buyers of his book. It is a perfectly orchestrated sales pitch that is not supported by research and only serves short term. 

Btw, he was talking about CFS which has nothing to do with autoimmunity in most cases. Most people are chronically tired because their lifestyle is chronically terrible missing out basic nutrients supporting Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle and basic muscular function. It is NOT a disease (with few exceptions of mitochondrial dysfunction and other conditions where CSF is a secondary syndrome)

EDIT: agreed on B-complex. It is not a solution but sometimes a megadosing is needed to get people back to optimal levels back after that food needs to be the sole supply. 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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cant say i fully agree, everyone is selling supplements, i fully see all the red flags that comes with him and everyone else, but the foods work, when the body is in the weakest possible state it becomes autoimmune to everything, because it cant tolerate the slightest of inflammation from the foods eaten and the plant paradox diets main focus is low damaging foods. Also in most cases the person has insulin resistance and requires time off from high carbs foods, like beans, lentils, fruits and whole grains, foods that have a major impact on blood sugar are very stressful for the body. 

For CFS, this is with out question a name given to people who cant find the root cause of the problem, a general term. There are exact reasons why the fatigue is happening, this general label of CFS is keeping people in a box, ignorant. Stage orange western medicine corrupt by capitalism only understands medication, stage green alternative medicine also FULLY corrupt by capitalism believes every miracle herb/super food/apple cider trend on the internet, i know because i did it all, its ALL bullshit, 99% of supplements, things like ashwaganda should never enter into the human body, just one of many things pushed into the light by a marketing team. We need stage yellow integral health that can properly navigate the soft science of health. Of course finding establishments in this category dont exist and the closest ive found are functional medical practitioners/chiropractors. I would say there are less then 100 people on earth that have a real understanding of health.

Dont think these details matter to much doe, for right now for CFS issues i think we can agree on most things. Follow a plan that covers all the bases. 

- tackle nutrition, do an elimination diet to see if the fatigue is caused by something your eat and at the same time incorporate healthy eating into the life style.

- reduce stress in all activity, this usually requires people to relearn how to do everything. 

- exercise to build the body up

- regular sleep

- strongly advice avoiding all herbs and medicine, but there are some supplements that will help, magnesium and vitamin d3

- Experiment with everything and see what works and what doesn't

- Fibrillation is on inflammatory condition, need to remove all inflammation sources, food is of course the #1 place to start.


@Merkabah Find a functional medical practitioner nearby and work with them to figure things out. Do not waist time with doctors or alternative health. 

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3 minutes ago, integral said:

Also in most cases the person has insulin resistance and requires time off from high carbs foods, like beans, lentils, fruits and whole grains, foods that have a major impact on blood sugar are very stressful for the body. 

not true, all these foods are associated with lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, ESPECIALLY legumes due to their low GI/GL content. Actuallya high saturated fat content in meat is more likely going to make you insulin resistant. Even super high fructose fruits like figs and bananas are protective from T2D and have successfully been administered to pre-diabetic patients so that's not really true. If we talked about processed starchy carbs like pastries ,. that's a different story with clear link to insulin resistance

6 minutes ago, integral said:

Stage orange western medicine corrupt by capitalism only understands medication

fair enough

10 minutes ago, integral said:

hings like ashwaganda should never enter into the human body, just one of many things pushed into the light by a marketing team.

Lots of marketing and corporate push going on here but don't forget that herbal medicine has been around for over 6000 years, way before marketing was a thing. Some of the greatest healers have always relied on herbal remedies among other methods, supplements are just that taken by orange to turn into profit because herbs cannot be patented 




Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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2 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

not true, all these foods are associated with lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, ESPECIALLY legumes due to their low GI/GL content. Actuallya high saturated fat content in meat is more likely going to make you insulin resistant. Even super high fructose fruits like figs and bananas are protective from T2D and have successfully been administered to pre-diabetic patients so that's not really true. If we talked about processed starchy carbs like pastries ,. that's a different story with clear link to insulin resistance

17 minutes ago, integral said:

Everyone has conflicting points of view, there is no science here, if you dont experiment fully and see for your self what works and what doesnt its impossible to navigate all this.

4 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Lots of marketing and corporate push going on here but don't forget that herbal medicine has been around for over 6000 years, way before marketing was a thing. Some of the greatest healers have always relied on herbal remedies among other methods, supplements are just that taken by orange to turn into profit because herbs cannot be patented 




I agree but ive experimented, might help people get some temporary relief but its definitely not a cure, finding and fixing the root causes is top priority, the rest is distraction. hmmm pretty sure they where skeeming selling miracle cures 6000 years ago. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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Also what do wild apes eat?

Also if we take a human trow them in the jungle naked what will there diet look like? How will they survive? Fruits and vegetables of the kind we eat dont grow there... 

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38 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

not true, all these foods are associated with lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, ESPECIALLY legumes due to their low GI/GL content. Actuallya high saturated fat content in meat is more likely going to make you insulin resistant. Even super high fructose fruits like figs and bananas are protective from T2D and have successfully been administered to pre-diabetic patients so that's not really true. If we talked about processed starchy carbs like pastries ,. that's a different story with clear link to insulin resistance

53 minutes ago, integral said:

This seems like a red flag, ignoring logic and cherry picking scientific studies to support a claim. In this case it seems you both into veganism and found lots of "evidence" to support your beliefs at every corner. An agenda. 

Also legumes cause major issues for autoimmune patients, this means it causes issues for everyone they just dont notice, usually just gets worst with age as the body losses its resilience. To tell a diabetic to eat figs and bananas is irresponsible. Get out there, try things and put real hard work into these beliefs. 

Stage green is as delusional about everything as stage orange, just a different agenda. 

These "clear links" do not exist. This science does not exist. Trapped in a paradigm. 

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@integral Regarding vit B: seeing that I have eliminated All the grains from my diet, how on earth am I supposed to receive the essential vit B group other than by taking supplements? Could you elaborate?

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On 5/31/2019 at 4:39 PM, Merkabah said:

Regarding vit B: seeing that I have eliminated All the grains from my diet, how on earth am I supposed to receive the essential vit B group other than by taking supplements? Could you elaborate?

There are b vitamins in all foods, grains is not the only source or a necessary source for b vitamins. Or did you mean you eliminated more then just grains? - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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@integral I have eliminated all sorta grains beside the dairy, legumes and most of fruits including apples!!!

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@Merkabah Hello there! I'm very interested in finding good solutions for Fibromyalgia because a close friend of mine is suffering from it. Please keep us updated about what has worked for you and what hasn't. Thanks!

unborn Truth

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@Merkabah Fibromyalgia is an inflammatory issue, need to remove all foods that cause inflammation in the body. This includes removing all sugar, so no fruits, no dairy (VITAL),no soy, no lectins foods like legumes and bread/pasta...

Autoimmune protocol diet

Also check out the plant paradox diet, they are closely aligned and can give you ideas of what to eat. 

After nutrition need to exercise, will drastically improve symptoms.

Critical to get sun, vitamin d3 is necessary for recovery might want to supplement. 

For sleep try magnesium glycinate supplement before bed.

Avoid coffee and all stimulants. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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@integral Thanks man. Quite dead-on advice as I have already experienced some of them firsthand. Boy does it feel good to get support from such caring people!  God bless you really!

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