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Anxiety affecting sleep, please help?

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Usually, when I go to bed to sleep at night, I always have felt like fear of going to sleep because of anxiety. And when I sleep and after some time I wake up so that I couldn't sleep properly and not getting enough sleep which affects my lifestyle. Are there any ideas to solve these problems or to help anxiety?

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Can you link anything in particular to the anxiety you get at night? Anything in your life currently happening? 

  • relationship / marriage / family problems
  • recent death of someone
  • stress at work
  • overuse of stimulants during the day
  • health problems
  • fear of darkness or other phobias
  • nightmares
  • other...

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Use the technique called Paradoxical Intention, created by Mr Viktor Frankyl and written about in Mans Search For Meaning.

Mr Viktor specifically discusses this anxiety with not getting enough sleep/trouble falling asleep and the anxiety associated with it.

Here's the technique) When tired, get into bed. When you notice you cannot fall asleep, make it a DETERMINATION to NOT FALL ASLEEP and deliberately stay away for as long as you can (while in bed and not resorting to coffee to try and keep you awake or modafinil).

You may notice the eyes then get droopy, you feel snug and warm and lacking concentration, and...…..then...…..I can't fall asleeee-----------


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