
I got into her so close to how she feels ?

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Hi everyone, Recently I hv a very good friend of mine, she has paranoid schizophrenia I don’t know why but probably she had some emotional breakdown during his personal life with a  guy maybe I guess as she told me something yesterday about her story in short steps... she sent me videos about how she feels and I was completely into her like I could feel how bad she feels... I get triggered too yesterday night as My Mind swirled thoughts of how I have been cheated too by someone... and on the other hand thoughts like my friend has been heart broken by someone and how could someone do this to her cuz she is so beautiful and how she is suffering a lot...Eventually I wasn’t aboe to sleep at night early as my mind was occupied with thoughts about her and also my ex.... the same bad bad very bad feelings when I broke up with my gf... i need some suggestions about the same feelings coming again and being uneasy with them... thanks

?IngitScooby ?

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I think it's sweet that you're so compassionate.  Just watch your feelings and thoughts. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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