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Not Allowing Yourself To Be Happy

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Scary stuff really,

Along my journey of self improvement I've come a long way, however it wasn't until last week that I discovered that I never allow myself to be happy, I question it. If I'm feeling great then I find a reason why and doubt it "You may feel good but remember, you still have xyz, or you still haven't done xyz" instead of enjoying the moment I question it.

I guess this is another move forward that I realise this, now I can embrace it, not question  it, this or that thing I need to do of feel sad about can wait.

That's it really, something so simple and obvious that I completely missed it.

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@OhHiMark It might be a habit of having that victim mentality that is so prevalent these days, maybe you like to feel like a victim of things and try to find anything that isn't right so you have a reason to complain about everything meaning you don't have to take responsibility for things

these sorts of things get subtly instilled into us through experiences and people so we don't even realise, keep looking, you may find more things in there you never realised you were doing! 

Whenever you change things like this it's like a mini paradigm shift ?

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Haha, complete enlightenment is supposed to be the same, all the time it`s there right in front of your nose.

Isn`t it great those small realizations?

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15 hours ago, Saarah said:

@OhHiMark It might be a habit of having that victim mentality that is so prevalent these days, maybe you like to feel like a victim of things and try to find anything that isn't right so you have a reason to complain about everything meaning you don't have to take responsibility for things

these sorts of things get subtly instilled into us through experiences and people so we don't even realise, keep looking, you may find more things in there you never realised you were doing! 

Whenever you change things like this it's like a mini paradigm shift ?


14 hours ago, Henri said:

Haha, complete enlightenment is supposed to be the same, all the time it`s there right in front of your nose.

Isn`t it great those small realizations?

It feels like a massive release. After all it takes so much effort and energy to be negative rather than just letting things be. 


Thanks guys.

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the self is happiness, joy, peace, love, the identity is a fiction, the identity cant experience the reality of those things, it can only do acts that appear as happiness, joy, peace and love whereas the self is that and functions as that.

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