
Everything Feels Completly Depressing and Meaningless

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So over probably the last year I have been getting into some very dark states. I had my initial full spiritual awakening about 18 months ago but for some reason since then I’ve been getting very depressed. 2 years ago I was this firery young Entreprenure/ Musican and being so motivated to achieve my goals. However, now I feel like I’ve given up on life and see no reason to keep playing this game. I still try to push towards the same things but the motivation is absolutely gone even though I have a strong vision for what my life could be. Currently I see no point to my life and the negatives in my day to day far outweigh the positives. There’s a glimmer of happiness here and there but mostly negative head spaces and failure after failure. I’d never want to end my own life but it’s very tempting at times to just want to ditch everything I know and go live in some remote part of the world doing next to nothing. I got hit with a huge dark night of the soul and I’ve never been the same since. It just gets harder and harder each day to get out of bed and I don’t really know what to do about it. Right now I’m just sitting in a room trying to be productive and failing miserably so I thought I’d hit up a spiritual community to see if any more advanced members have any tips on getting through the darkness. 

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I didn't have an full blown enlightenment experience but I know this depressive mood too well. What helps me getting out of it is working with my body. Taking cold showers, deep breathing like wim Hof or going to the gym.

Edited by Alex

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Not sure its helpful, but post those tips that u might be inspired: 

1. travel, out of ur room and talk to different people. 

2. feel dark then be dark. show ur emotion. 

3. helping others. weakness meet weakness.

4. record ur negative feeling in detail, and google all solution.

5. write ur story as fiction. or draw it, or play it through music. darkness is art.

6. dont try to be productive if u dont want. dont do anything u think u should but u dont like. 

7.write down ur goal. big dream. aim. write down what u good at. analysis urself as third person.

8. its time to play game. first task is helping Kallan out of darkness. after that, next one. 

9. Fashion, Facebook, Game app, Music, Party, Book, Gym, Youtube, Movie, Food, Family, Sex, Beer, Library, Porn, Shower, Cook, Park, Fishing, Drive, Gossip.

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23 hours ago, Kallan said:

2 years ago I was this firery young Entreprenure/ Musican and being so motivated to achieve my goals.

Why did you want these?    What would be different once you achieved those goals?


“even though I have a strong vision for what my life could be”

“Could be”....if what? 



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Same deal. About a year ago I picked up an amazing job. Best company I've ever worked for. I'm further in life than I've ever been.. but I'm also the most depressed. The first few months I felt amazing and I was driven. I lost sight of self and only saw my job. There was no me. Only what was in front of me and the most efficient way to make things happen. Efficiency rate was high, I was learning quickly, I was happy with who I was. Took a turn when I allowed someone elses(someone that I appreciated and let in) rage during one day hit me deep rather than go through me. Now I'm just skating by. No complaints from others(mainly because I'm now fairly timid in speech rather than steeled) but I seem to have forgotten how to talk to people. I lost everything. Foresight, big picture thinking, influence. I don't want money anymore. I'm not interested in love or sex or success anymore. I'm not really interested in my games anymore. I just force myself to focus until I finally get my head into a book. I don't want half of what I own and plan on chucking or selling it. I want nothing but my meaning back.. which is tied to action. Catch 22. So I'm pondering leaving my job for a while until I reorient myself. I have a decent amount saved.. but I had planned on owning a "base of operations" so I could relax. Even then, I'm not sure if it'll do anything if I did take a while off.

Edited by Whatnow

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On 24/03/2019 at 11:27 PM, Kallan said:

Right now I’m just sitting in a room trying to be productive and failing miserably

are you married? do you have kids?

find a way to rest without putting so much burden on your shoulders. do some research on alternative lifestyles. what if you've been fooled about the suit & tie lifestyle? what if that's not for you?

unborn Truth

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