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Can you escape Life/The Simulator and never be born again?

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Yes i know this question is from the point of view of the ego.

If everything is infinite and One it seems like the Higher Self is forever to be experiencing something.

My egoic dream is to stop existing permanently .  I don't wanna anymore pleasure or suffering or anything. Never to need to be born again.

Is this possible or not?

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It is possible. That's what nirvana is

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Since there is only infinity and infinity doesnt exclude any possibility  it should be possible


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1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

Yes i know this question is from the point of view of the ego.

If everything is infinite and One it seems like the Higher Self is forever to be experiencing something.

My egoic dream is to stop existing permanently .  I don't wanna anymore pleasure or suffering or anything. Never to need to be born again.

Is this possible or not?

I think this is the wrong orientation as it sets up a good vs bad dynamic and a self seeking wanting. It can be helpful as motivation, yet ime sets up a control vs surrender dynamic.

Towards the end, your question is like saying I want to kill all the fish so I can be the ocean without fish. Yet the ocean includes fish. Being the ocean includes the entire ocean. Trying to kill the fish because of some idea that the ocean shouldn’t have fish is a big distraction.

As a mind-body awakens, the is often a dissolution of self-seeking dynamics associated with self pleasure and self suffering. Yet I think having that as a goal is a big distraction. It sets up an enlightenment story and expectations. 

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The entity who expects and the expectation are not two distinct things. It’s two thoughts in association to one another. 

Only the thought that expects to achieve a goal is falsely divided as a living reality that stands outside the very expectation to achieve the goal. One and the same movement of co-arising activity(mind). 

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38 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

@Serotoninluv What do you think is the right orientation towards liberation?

Notice how the above question assumes a destination (liberation). There is nothing wrong with that, just be aware it’s a destination. The problem arises when a mind assumes enlightenment is a destination. Enlightenment is nowhere. So the question “what is the best orientation to nowhere?” doesn’t make sense. As soon as there is an orientation, there is a somewhere, a destination. Nowhere is no orientations and all orientations. There is nowhere/everywhere and somewhere. Ime, becoming aware of this is one of the biggest awakenings. The energy to chase a somewhere in nowhere/everywhere dissolved. 

At this point it’s easy for the mind to take the opposite view and think “Ahhh, orientations are bad. I must attain no orientation”. Yet that now becomes an orientation. It is a somewhere.

It’s both. Somewheres arise everyday in my life. That is within the timeline. Yet there is also a nowhere within the Now. 

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@SQAAD The problem is not existence, it’s the belief in the ego. Never being born is already the case. The suffering is rooted in the belief you were born, are this separate physical person, and therefore will die. These beliefs color perspective with falsity,... and suffering. None of that is your actual experience though, it’s a thought / belief story. All is well, everything has always been ok, and always will be.  Inspect it yourself. 

@Serotoninluv nice! Like trying to tell someone how to get to where you are, without being able to name a second location or point of reference. 





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14 minutes ago, Nahm said:


@Serotoninluv nice! Like trying to tell someone how to get to where you are, without being able to name a second location or point of reference. 

Oooh, I love that. 

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@SQAAD now is forever if you look how long the path. now is forever if you feel pain. now is forever if you see mountains ahead. now is forever.

but now is forever if you meet a friend, now is forever if you smell a familiar scent. now is forever where laughter meets. now is forever in a tree, in the sun, in the sea. now is forever yours to meet.

Edited by now is forever

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3 hours ago, SQAAD said:

Yes i know this question is from the point of view of the ego.

If everything is infinite and One it seems like the Higher Self is forever to be experiencing something.

My egoic dream is to stop existing permanently .  I don't wanna anymore pleasure or suffering or anything. Never to need to be born again.

Is this possible or not?

this is an OLD story, desire and belief.

you cannot get out. you cannot get in. you are existence, alive, asking who you are. you will not find the answer somewhere in the universe. the universe doesn't know what it is and it asks those questions through human beings (for example). being is the highest mystery and it cannot be solved, only contemplated.

"i am. and i don't even know how." - the universe

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@Nahm Yes but if i am all other people in the world simultaneously that's a lot of suffering. I was just watching some brutal videos today from a low consciousness website called bestgore and my ego got frustrated and freaked out.

It's scary nasty stuff from the perspective of the ego and it seems all inevitable.

Edited by SQAAD

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@Serotoninluv That's deep.  Yes my mind assumed a destination without even being aware of it xD

Edited by SQAAD

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38 minutes ago, SQAAD said:

@Serotoninluv That's deep.  Yes my mind assumed a destination without even being aware of it xD

Mind is dead set on itself as objects of experience:P

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8 hours ago, SQAAD said:

@DecemberFlower Because Leo says to embrace and love everything (including all the nasty stuff).

but it doesn’t mean you have to watch that - be aware of it’s existence as far as you can. you don’t have to embrace it that way. there are things out there so cruel and nasty people get to jail for it and the cruelest thing is, some don’t. there are things out there only made for nightmares. you don’t want a nightmare, do you. so only ever go as far as you can handle - know it exists though, be aware.

people do bad stuff they hurt others they betray, rape, kill, they mass murder with joy sometimes - that’s why you are a light that breaks the karma -  we are the only ones ourselves who decide not to take part in it and work with light against it.

can you embrace yourself for being a witness to it without being able to change it but only able to change yourself and shine light?

Edited by now is forever

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