
questioning my belief!!!

4 posts in this topic

belief- they are smart( talking about people)

is it true they are smart?

yes because they are tall.

what is it about being tall that makes you smart?

because no one can reach you!

short people can be smart also, is this not true?

not true because short people are closer to the ground.

tall people also stand on the ground, they are both feet planted to the ground so, they are both equally close to the ground, I'm talking about legs wise, yes their head is further from the ground but still equally feet planted on the ground.

so is it true that they are smart?

yes people are smart because they know what to do.

what exactly do they know?

they know how to be smart.

dont you know how to be smart?

yes but i hide it

why do you hide it?

because im gay?

are you actually gay?

no, not really.

what makes you say that you are gay??

because i have doubts if I'm straight?(i dont doubt that im straight, i dont even lable myself as straight because its who i am)

why do you doubt if your straight?

because my dad didn't love me.

is it true your dad didnt love you??

well no but i believe he didnt love me.

can we question that? lets list in all the ways your dad loved you?


well firstly

he bought me soccer shoes, he smiled when i suggested to eat with both hand one by one. he also didn't hit me when i lost the shoes in the ocean or beach, i was surprisingly surprised. he asked me if i wanted to buy more drinks of coke and Pepsi.

so you have evidence as to that he loved you?


what makes you think he didn't love you or doesn't love you?

because he doesn't or didn't let me call him aboy or dad.

is it true it means he didn't love you because he didn't let you call him dad?

yes because i really wanted to show him that i love him, that's how i show him that i love him.

you know what it is, it not that he doesn't love you but he rejected your love.

yeah that's  is he rejected my love and I'm really mad.

do you feel hurt and sad that he rejected you?

really sad and hurt, yes because i wanted to show him i loved him!

why does it matter that you showed him that you loved him?

because it means I'm loved.

showing yourself love is enough.

is it really enough?

yes because its you who really matters!

can you show yourself love?

how can i do that?

well what do you want the most?

recognition!!!! and connection, how can i give myself recognition and love-connection.

idk but you need to figure out away to do it.

okay, thank you.


 to my reader how do you show yourself recognition and love-connection.


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By self love. Love everything about you. 

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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People have a hard time accepting the love that they have denied themselves. So if your love is rejected, know that it isn't about you. Or maybe they aren't even rejecting it, they just do not know how to express acknowledgement. 

How do you show yourself love?- Communicate with yourself as you would have wanted your dad to communicate with you.

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thanks for taking the time to read, do you question your beliefs? i found out my how i see myself my subconscious model of my self image, so now ive got something to love. @Harikrishnan also that as well love everything about yourself. @rNOW yes communicating with yourself with love is important.


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