28 cm unbuffed

Grounding yourself

6 posts in this topic

Hey, so basically I finally realised, that my mind is really into right-side thinking stuff, woo-woo, dreamy shit and I really need to become more disciplined (which I kinda already am), grounded and logical about everything I do.

I need some stable technique that will make me more grounded like every-single-day (my mind is really smart when it comes to not working and not being pragmatic about stuff). I read about walking on a ground with bare feet (which I just can't do everyday, living in a big city), some grounding binaural beats (which I don't want really to be closed to, my chakras disbalances are really different like every day and I like to listen to different ones from day to day).

I'm already meditating, taking cold showers, training martial arts 3 times a week, I'm doing nofap, but all of that is still not enough for me. 

(I also cleaned up my diet and want to train on a gym 2 times a week and do yoga 1 time a week too).

I'm also really interested about sleeping on the floor - I wanted to do it for some other reasons (getting straight posture and getting more masculine energy thanks to that), do you think it can be grounding to you? (seems like it - duuh xD). 

I'm really interested about your ideas guys - I will really appreciate your hints on that topic.

Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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Actually sounds like you are more “left side” analytically minded in this reflection ha! If you find your mind is being too monkeyish in creating anxiety mood swings judging etc., start observing and questioning the thoughts that may be taking you out of being grounded 

Have you ever tried bioenergetics? Really helps in getting “grounded” and there’s a good bioenergetic warmup routine I can link if you are interested. I’ve done it in the mornings or before doing exercise etc 


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29 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:


Yeah, it's like: I'm analitical, harsh, logical, not really emotional for outside world, but my mind is analising and giving a fuck only about woo-woo spiritual stuff.

It believes the only good decisions should be spiritually grounded, true, honest, good etc.

Like - i will not work in my job if i don't feel like it - my destination is to be self-development teacher and world will allign to that - actually working will block that attraction (sometimes I have no idea how but it works like all the time xD). 

What do you think about sun salutations (yoga posture technique) in the morning?

About bioenergetics - I practice similar technique every morning - Wim Hof Breathing (hyperventilating yourself just like bioenergetics, i guess xD). 

hmm. yeah sounds like you have a lot of firm ideals/beliefs. Might not be a bad idea to start questioning why you hold these...also the thoughts surrounding your activities (why do i do activity A and not B, how do i think it defines me, and how doesn't it bring me pure joy? 

How can i satisfy my emotional desires? Practice gratitude and not self shaming so you can hold whatever mindset you feel is beneficial. These are just some things that are helping me. Also here's the video in case you are interested. I haven't done sun salutations, but i have done wim hof and bioenergetics for years (just sporadically when it feels like a good time, and to practice self love). It feels really good living from the place of groundedness (not being up in the head, getting triggered and what not) 


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Just that you seem to believe things need to be a certain way or else they are not “spiritual” or whatever. Like is there really any such thing as a “good” decision? Or is it because of a belief you hold about how things should be...this makes it really hard to accept things as they are, and in turn takes us out of being grounded 

Edited by DrewNows

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I think I have this problem too. It is like your mind wanders off away from your body. I have started this exercise recently, I remember reading about it in an Osho book years ago, but I did not think much of it at the time. Now it suddenly hit me- that this is really some important thing. How you do it is you give voice to your actions inside your mind. For example, right now I'm typing this while drinking tea. So I say to myself: "I'm typing this, now I'm back-spacing the word. Now I'm smelling the tea, which smells exotic. Now I'm taking a sip of this tea. Now I can hear a bird chirp outside and a carpenter drilling a hole in the wall somewhere. Now I realised I have detracted my attention from this post to the noises outside." And so on and on. 

It just basically means you pay attention to where your attention is in each moment. As easy as it sounds, it is very difficult in practice. I think for me it is very difficult to practice this even for a single minute. But maybe with practice, it can improve. As and when you try this, you will realise that that moments where your attention is 100% on what you are doing, those moments are very 'light'. There is no space for thoughts or emotions or random ideas to float about because all of your attention is on the thing you are doing or paying attention to. 

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The very thought 'I am not grounded' is what makes you ungrounded.

Who is not grounded? What is being grounded and and what is not grounded? Don't even bother.

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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