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How does reincarnation work?

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What was before our birth, what will be after our death?

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I don't think anyone really knows unless someone has a first hand experience of past lives like visions and ect.

I would say i was what i am and i am what i will be.

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When you die light from the 7 chakra points evaporate through the skin and spinal chord and seeks out a pattern that can fit the nesting zone of the lights center perfectly like a key. The more light harnessed in one lifetime the more energy the seat of the soul has to travel the universe seeking a new physical house. The light is made up of dark energy and cannot be seen for long periods as it gets eaten up by the pineal gland and processed as food for the brain. 


To incarnate into a pale skinned light eyed human is the highest form one can currently incarnate into on earth. Those vessels evade and sense the sun energy better because they lack melanin shields. The vessels of pale skinned blonde haired people who store sun light at the crown chakra shown in their hair, are the rarest bodies to assemble so souls must compete to get the organism at the right time. 

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  On 3/23/2019 at 2:10 PM, David Hammond said:

@Schahin This sounds like the mind looking for answers. Trying to pin ideas like reincarnation could be a bit of a trap. The goal is to have less ideas so that you can get a taste of what is really going on.. that way you won't need to ask anymore questions because you will have exhausted the motivation to ask. You will just live your life.

Yes brother, I think the human being in general is very curious, otherwise he wouldn't have discovered the whole earth and inhabiting it also :)

So yes I like the idea of having the goal of having less ideas and being more in the present, but stil I am very curious to find out what happened right before the sense of self came and I was created and born and what will happen after our story ends.

Maybe having people who experience non-duality have a sense of understanding reincarnation.


I don'T really know what to make of all the answers this far^^ Not sure if the goal is to be a pale skinned light eyed human, and how that is achievable. I am not pale skinned and couldn't imagine myself that way. The goal is to love yourself, still doesn'T answer the question what happened before birth and how a reincarnation could occur.

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No one knows. We are just chimps who like to create stories that we know.

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The answer to that question is not found anywhere other than where the question arises and subsides from/‘as’, which is YOU. 

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  On 3/23/2019 at 1:59 PM, Schahin said:

What was before our birth, what will be after our death?

What was your birth like?

What is death like?

Is that experience, or beliefs?



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@Schahin you, and everything that exists NOW, are the afterlives and the "pastlives" of existence itself.

unborn Truth

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Conciousness is the bedrock of reality.

You are fundamentally conciousness!

So is everthing else before and after you.

The container is always the same just its content changes.

Reincarnation can be understood as all beeing that is outside your personal experience, contained by the same bedrock of conciousness.

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That's what frightens me to no end. Who knows what horrors lie in potential within consciousness? Shit like the human centipede or Saw are actually happening for real as well as other horrors which you can't possibly imagine. The possibilities are endless and that means that suffering and joy beyond anything that can be imagined is possible. It is also possible that enlightenment is no escape from that stuff and you will just be made unenlightened again to suffer all that shit forever. Rupert Spira and other teachers never consider this, they have this rosy eyed view of nonduality and haven't actually gone deeper.

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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Reincarnation is an evolutionary process for the soul-complex(so to speak). Once you awaken to your true self you break free from this cycle. Unless you choose to delay nirvana for others you will transcend into higher(more collective consciousness) existences ect.. rather than single. Higher self, Over-souls, Collective groups ect.. who are somewhat over-souls(so to speak) of planets like Earth is known as her physical body but Gaia is the soul-collective.

Eventually we can/will evolve to become planets, solar systems, galaxies, ect.. yes they all are conscious and aware on levels far beyond our grasping but we cap tap/tune into this knowledge(akash) ect...Although we can never understand higher dimensional existence from a physical standpoint we can somewhat(see the book) rather than (read what's inside). 

Eventually as you evolve and ascend more and more to the core of creation, you finally return back to the ONE/The Absolute Center, it starts all over again on a new level, a new wave of creation. It never ends and never begins.

This is why it never ends and never beings, this is how the universe works.


Edited by pluto


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I just want the cycle to end, it's driving me insane and I feel totally trapped and helpless. I just want to be pure empty void with no joy or suffering. I wish the materialist paradigm was correct, living under that understanding was truly joyful and magical but now I see that it doesn't stand up to scrutiny . Every day for me was a wonder and I was thankful. Now I have infinity days. Fuck that. You also talk about "we" and "others" But Shaun is the only thing there is! 

Edited by Shaun

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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  On 4/27/2019 at 3:23 PM, Shaun said:

That's what frightens me to no end. Who knows what horrors lie in potential within consciousness? Shit like the human centipede or Saw are actually happening for real as well as other horrors which you can't possibly imagine. The possibilities are endless and that means that suffering and joy beyond anything that can be imagined is possible.

yes this is what I have been thinking about lately. i think no level of justification is applicable when oneself is got to experience things like these.

also incarnating into some plant and being a tree for 100+ years (instead of fulfilling human desires which remained unfulfilled in the previous life) is frightening :D

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@Schahin Do you know your real Self now that you are so interested in the past or future?

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