
What happens after enlightenment?

27 posts in this topic

Will my life be more peaceful? 

Edited by theking00

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Your life is peaceful right now. You are enlightened right now. The thoughts you are believing are just telling you otherwise ;) 

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Everything will be much better especially if you had lots of fear and anxiety in your life...but way to there wont be as peacful just push through...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, David Hammond said:

Generally, yes. I am enlightened and I'm in peace. I assume the same will be true for you.

Did suffering end for you? (no more worries, anxiety etc?)

What practice did you exactly do and how long did it take you?

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That's the biggest trap ever.

Don't wait to be content and peaceful because you didn't achieve some kind of spiritual goal.

You can do that just right now.

There is no need to be enlightened to be peaceful and fulfilled.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, theking00 said:

Will my life be more peaceful? 

 The body and mind will continue to knock around within the manifest realm. Why not feel it while it lasts?

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Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Just now, mandyjw said:

Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.


I never do that though ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Just now, Shin said:

I never do that though ?

Ok for 2019,

Before enlightenment, do the laundry, wash the dishes, pay the bills, after enlightenment, do the laundry, wash the dishes, pay the bills. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 minute ago, mandyjw said:

Ok for 2019,

Before enlightenment, do the laundry, wash the dishes, pay the bills, after enlightenment, do the laundry, wash the dishes, pay the bills. 

I never do that though ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@theking00 What stands between you and the peace? We want you to know this peace! Maybe we can deconstruct some things together (the forum commune that is). 




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@Shin Do you live in your Mom's basement? 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 minute ago, mandyjw said:

@Shin Do you live in your Mom's basement? 

Baiting questions like those ?

For entertainment purpose ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@theking00My life is way way more peaceful than it was before I learned about enlightenment.  But now I'm not sure that I still believe in enlightenment at all. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Before enlightenment; bust balls on forum, after enlightenment; bust balls on forum”

- Osho

I don't bust balls anymore, I might for the love of my life though ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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There is no after, nor before ;)


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11 hours ago, David Hammond said:

@Hima Izumi Its taken me 10 years of trying different approaches. I have settled with traditional Tibetan Buddhist teaching and what's called natural meditation. Yes absolutely fear is gone. I still suffer, even more now, because when a part of me dies I feel it, I don't avoid it like before. But all the neurosis has gone, the conplex relationship dynamics stopped one day. Life has become simple. And you? : ) 

Hey, I have been practicing all kinds of meditations for 10 years.

2 years I have been abiding as awareness all day.

I am not awakened in any way yet but had many glimpses.

You say your fear is gone, and you are in peace... yet you suffer from than before? can you explain this? what kind of suffering is it, what kind of pain is it? and how can you suffer if you are in peace and all fear is gone?

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1 minute ago, David Hammond said:

@Hima Izumi In my experience when the Buddah talked about the end of suffering he was really speaking about the end of egoic suffering. All the mental gymnastics, the not aligning behaviours with values - the neurosis of extreme isolation that the ego imposes. 



The natural meditation you practiced... is it not the same as abiding as awareness? being aware of awareness... being aware of the self etc?

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