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Some good MBTI videos. Extraordinarily insightful.

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There is too much I can write but imma try and keep it brief if I can since I dont want you to get bored. 

I want you to disregard technicalities such as "everything is subjective" (e.g. when I describe such and such personality/funcntion as being more or less concerned with whats subjective/objective) when reading this, im using words and descriptors as they are most typically thought of and as pointers to something I hope you get a tangible feel and intuition of.  This is very important to remember in what I type.

Youtube videos made on this channel about typology are pretty good. I remember watching some of his videos talking about different cognitive functions and different axes, about why these axes differ from each other due to them coming from different angles than each other. In found them extremely enlightening in understanding how people can extremely similar but extremely different at the same time in a subtle way.

Within MBTI there are "perception" and "judgement functions". There are 2 judgement axes and 2 perception axes.

Judgement axes:

- Ti and Fe

- Te and Fi

Perception axes:

- Ni and Se

- Ne and SI

Everyone has one perception axis and one judgement axis, which in turn compose their four cognitive functions. To phrase things in a rough way which needs further elaboration, Ne-Si axis and the Fe-Ti axis are in a sense "universalist, democratic and fair minded" whilst Ni-Se and Fi-Te axes are more "contextual, monarchic and goal orientated". As you can see there are 8 different functions in the entire theory. Functions are the "why" and "how" to people's behaviour rather than the "what". 

Universalistic axes and are looking to "take themselves out of the equation" in a sense.

There is an underlying theme to how extraverted functions differ from introverted functions. To phrase it roughly, extraverted functions view the subjective as fickle and the objective as more reliable while introverted functions regard the objective as fickle and the subjective as more reliable. 

Feeling functions and thinking functions are judgement functions, sensing and intuition functions are perception functions.

I made a playlist of insightful videos. I was just watching the Ne vs Ni video and I was shocked at how extraordinarily accurate it was. You may want to first watch one or two of this youtube channels' "types revisited videos" after knowing what your type is (through a test). 

First two videos are similar to each other. Watch the axes videos before the individual function videos if you want, its all up to you.


From watching his videos, I was amazed at how well he articulated the strengths that different thinkers and intellectuals have. I myself use Ne, but Ni is extremely powerful as well in how it can detect very subtle and subjective associations between things and Ni is looking for the subtle "essence" that many different variables and happenings share. Ne goes from the one to the many, Ni goes from the many to the one (roughly speaking). Ne likes to connects the dots and makes many associations between many many "objective" things and take those things "in of in themselves", and can view Ni as not accepting things as they are in an "objective" level. But both Ni and Ne are extremely good and are just different modes of being. 

INTP (my type) and INTJ have opposite axes and functions to each other and in talking to people who are INTJ and INFJ I feel I've gotten a very tangible feeling for how these functions feel and where they come from. INTP's solely have "democratic/universalistic" functions whilst INTJ's solely have "monarchical/contextual" functions. I found ALL of his function comparative videos enlightening. Clashes I've had in Ti vs Te in talking to people, and how arguments get circular. I found his description very insightful. Even Si vs Se, Fe vs Fi are all extremely good videos. 


And in watching people speak and give talks, it seems extremely obvious when someone is using a particular cognitive function. Jordan Peterson uses Ni a lot, Leo uses Ti and Ne a lot are just some examples of speakers ive listened to. Chomsky uses Ni. Nietzsche is Ni. 



Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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