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is there really a big difference between Surya Kriya and Surya Namaskar?

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For the people on here who do Isha hatha yoga cough cough @Salvijus

how do i know its not sadhguru not just being a business man here? FOr those who dont know , he advertises that Surya kriya (which if you watch it being done looks very similar to surya namaskar/sun salutation, if not the same?) is far superior because it strengthens you mentally and spiritually and makes meditating much more easier while surya namaskar (according to him) is just for physical fitness and some calming. Of course there are no videos on how to do Surya Kriya and you have to pay an isha certified teacher to do it, getting some TM/Transcendental Meditation vibes here. 

Any people try it, did you get actual big positive changes compared to regular sun salutations?

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@moon777light I made an account just to reply to this thread.

I actually just learned Surya Kriya from an ISHA certified teacher 2 days ago and I have to say I noticed an immediate effect on my sense perception, both when I was in the process of learning it and practising it at home yesterday and today. There seems to be a very deep and intricate part to Surya Kriya and I am very eager to continue my practices for one mandala cycle (40 - 48 days) and see its benefits. I am a regular practitioner of Kriya Yoga as well (by Lahiri Mahasaya) which was recommended by Leo in his video ''Importance of Real Yoga''. Therefore I immediately felt this sense of change in perception right after trying Surya Kriya.

Surya Kriya cannot be taught via a video. I was sceptical as you before but taking part in the session made me realize why I am thankful for not learning it through a video. The reason being that these very powerful techniques of yoga need very careful attention when taught to someone. Every single intricate movement needs to be perfect. The ISHA certified teachers are trained to hand these techniques to you in a very special way. A video would never do justice. Finally, most of these places are specially designed in a way such that the atmosphere greatly helps you with learning these teachings of yoga. I really felt it as soon as I stepped into the hall of my ISHA teacher as I felt naturally meditative. Therefore I highly recommend you to learn Surya Kriya from an Isha Certified teacher if you wish you learn it.

Some of the other students who learned with me on that day also were practitioners of Surya Namaskar and my teacher told her to keep practising both Surya Namaskar and Surya Kriya and they don't contradict each other. It's just that Surya Kriya is the original version so to say.

Edited by Chi_

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thank you for your detailed reply. I know what you mean by the video vs in person, which happened to me after years of doing yoga from youtube videos wrong. It wasnt until i went to a legit class that i fixed how i did positions and felt more calm and my body didnt hurt. Thanks again

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@moon777light It's true. When you learn surya kriya it's almost like an ancient sacred process has been passed down to you. So sacred you stop questioning why do you have to pay. Why sadhguru doesnt make it free. Why can't i teach other people this practice it's just a bundle of instructions anywyas. I was sceptical also about this but once you experience the program it just becomes so obvious that this is not a mere exercise. It has to be transmited in a totally different approach. And results are extremely different. I did youtube version of suriya namaskar before I did suriya kriya. The difference is so big..... 

I had no idea what Yoga is before I learned my first program, it was suriya kriya btw :)

@Chi_ congratz on your experience :)

It's a rare video on surya namaskar/surya kriya. Highly recommended.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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  On 3/28/2019 at 5:41 PM, moon777light said:

thank you for your detailed reply. I know what you mean by the video vs in person, which happened to me after years of doing yoga from youtube videos wrong. It wasnt until i went to a legit class that i fixed how i did positions and felt more calm and my body didnt hurt. Thanks again

Quite a late reply from me but glad it was helpful. Did you by any chance look into Surya Kriya afterwards? 

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