
Every feel like you've gone full circle?

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When I started this journey I was beginning to realise the extent of what is, the importance of letting go/being aware in the moment and the amazing potential of this on the meaning of my life and who/what I am. 

I've worked for the past 4 years on intensifying and developing this (yoga, meditation, self inquiry, learning etc) with massive ego backlashes, jumps forward, insights  and breakthroughs) but I seem to be right back to where I started. 

Strange loops aside, what's this about? Is this the emptiness trying to break through the obsessional seeker? 

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10 minutes ago, Surfingthewave said:

Strange loops aside, what's this about? Is this the emptiness trying to break through the obsessional seeker? 

It's rigth there,



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Surfingthewave As far as I know it means getting back to the oposite of you previous position like:

Belive in God->Atheist->Belive in God.

Having Meaning->Nhilism-> Find new Meaning 

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it's all about self understanding. Once you come full circle you shall have a deeper understanding of yourself, meaning more freedom! 

The ego's shackles are off and there's no longer this urgency in being. Even when you hit a wall or life does the unimaginable, there isn't the usual/previous resistance and lost sense of self 

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@DrewNows Absolutely - there is definitely a lack of urgency and resistance and actually that is seemingly what we are seeking. 

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Trying to compare your path to different points along the way is another distraction. An extremely compelling distraction we all fall into, yes, but a distraction nonetheless. :) Comparison is judgement, judgement is thought, thought is the illusion you're trying to see through.

There's just this moment, be aware now. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Surfingthewave Who is this "you" who experiences all this? Have you actually pinpointed it? Can "you" be anything but the Self? 

These are questions that by themselves would take very little time to answer. That you'v been at it for 4 years without success is an indication that your true desire is something else. Perhaps you have some idea of how enlightenment should be and you won't stop until your direct experience exactly conforms with that. From what I see, most people who enter the path first do it because they want siddhis and special powers. They want solutions to their life problems. Well enlightenment is none of that. If you really want enlightenment, well, you just got to realize that you already are enlightened. Does it take 4 years for a cat to know she is a cat? No. The cat just "cats" regardless :)

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7 hours ago, Surfingthewave said:

@DrewNows Absolutely - there is definitely a lack of urgency and resistance and actually that is seemingly what we are seeking. 

It’s all totally conceptual and part of the illusion but thats a good place to be when it’s realized there is no actual levels of attainment or success with enlightenment 

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Where do you think the "spin to win" meme comes from ?


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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12 minutes ago, Shin said:

Where do you think the "spin to win" meme comes from ?


Hahaha. “Shin it to win it” ?

btw thanks @Shinfigured out a way with iPhone using your search method! 

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19 hours ago, Surfingthewave said:

Every feel like you've gone full circle?

Every day.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@FoxFoxFox Perhaps the desire is the problem, take that away and what have you got? A satisfied cat...? 

Like alchemy we create these hitches in the path to bring us closer to what is. 

@Shin I'm not a gamer, sorry, dont get the reference! 

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A lot has change, awareness is key ;)


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14 hours ago, mandyjw said:

Trying to compare your path to different points along the way is another distraction. An extremely compelling distraction we all fall into, yes, but a distraction nonetheless. :) Comparison is judgement, judgement is thought, thought is the illusion you're trying to see through.

There's just this moment, be aware now. 


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