If Osho was Enlightned Why Did he end up addicted to various drugs?

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I don't claim that enlightened people are perfect or anything like that BUT i just don't understand why someone who is truly enlightened would end up indulging in drugs and etc . 

It just boggles my mind. ¬¬

Edited by SQAAD

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Who put a limit that says enlightened beings cannot do drugs/become addicted? Enlightenement is the dissolution of all boundaries, enlightenment can make you become a crack addict, there's no telling. Obviously it usually doesn't turn out that way.

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  On 3/20/2019 at 7:33 PM, SQAAD said:

i just don't understand why someone who is truly enlightened would end up indulging in drugs and etc . 

The below comments are general impersonal comments about the idea presented above. The below comments are not directed at the OP.

The misunderstanding is due to an idea of enlightenment on the personal level. In this idea, there is an association between enlightenment and the personality. The question above challenges that association and allows the opportunity to transcend a level, if the self can let go of it's attachment to its idea of enlightenment. The trap here is to try and answer the question on the same personal level it was asked. Yet to answer the question, we must venture to higher levels. . . 

Enlightenment is not at the level of the person. It even goes beyond trans-personal and trans-human.

At the trans-personal level the question "If Osho was Enlightned why did he end up addicted to drugs?" is the same as asking "If Alan Watts was enlightened, why did Osho end up addicted to drugs?". What I did here was to break the association of enlightenment as being on the personal level. At the trans-personal level, the two questions are equal. However, the psychological self will have a very difficult time surrendering to this because the self wants to keep the idea of enlightenment at the personal level - because at this level it is something the self believes it can attain.

For those of you with direct experience at the trans-personal level, let's venture up another level. . . Some human minds have become aware of the trans-personal, yet are still attached to humanism. That is, enlightenment is not attained by the illusory self, yet it is attained by the human mind-body. This is deceptively sneaky. At the trans-human level the question ""If Osho was Enlightned why did he end up addicted to drugs?" is the same as asking ""If Osho was Enlightened why did the 1989 San Andreas earthquake occur?". What I did here was to break the association of enlightenment as being on the human level. At the trans-human level, the two questions are equal. However, the human mind-body will have a very difficult time surrendering to this because the human mind-body wants to keep the idea of enlightenment at the human level (the psychological self also sneaks in to contribute to this dynamic).

One more. . . let's break the idea that enlightenment is something that occurs within the timeline. . . Here, the question "If Osho was Enlightned why did he end up addicted to drugs?" is the same as the question"If Osho was Enlightened, why did my cell phone battery just die?". What I did here was break the association of enlightenment with the person, human and the timeline.

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@SQAAD Because awakening and experiencing emptiness/no-self etc does not mean you are free of ego, fear, craving. Hence so-called awakened people can have addictions (like Alan Watts, who was an alcoholic) or major character flaws (like certain gurus who sexually harassed their students). Getting rid of aspects of the actual ego structure operating in a person is much harder than having an awakening.

Edited by Markus

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  On 3/20/2019 at 7:33 PM, SQAAD said:

someone who is truly enlightened

That can’t be said to be true, only you are enlightened. 


Likewise, there is no such thing as “enlightened beings”. 



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  On 3/20/2019 at 9:12 PM, Nahm said:

That can’t be said to be true, only you are enlightened. 


Likewise, there is no such thing as “enlightened beings”. 

Well that just gave me a bit aha, epiphany moment. :D

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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  On 3/20/2019 at 9:12 PM, Nahm said:

That can’t be said to be true, only you are enlightened. 


Likewise, there is no such thing as “enlightened beings”. 

I find that the hardest concept to grasp intellectually.

God is love

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I recommend treating it as totally different subjects. On the one side we have the Absolute or Enlightenment, and on the other hand, we have the relative or mind. Although being enlightened can affect your mind in some way or another, it is not always the case.

Enlightened people still have a mind and need to survive - they are just conscious of Ultimate Reality, nothing more and nothing else. :)

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Chandra Mohan jain alias acharya Raineesh alias Osho a criminal - J.Krishnamurthy

A pimp who called himself bhaghvan.

He was against purification of mind,renounciation,celebacy.sexual morality

He criticized traditional marriage system family  parent hood advocated free sex and the bastartized children brought up by the commune not by family parents.fooled people that self realisation can be realized through sex.

Praised Hitler charged heavily for his meditation courses called himself richmans guru.Had sex with disciples.was having 91 rolls royce and his gullible followers trusted his words as gospel of truth and kept donating him not realizing he is fooling them.

Only people who with a purified mind desirelless free from cravings not after sex,money,fame,power can be truly said to be enlightened.

Osho was a pure evil I'm.thank good America threw him out and 21 other countries recognized him as an evil and denied visa and finally had to return India and died 3 years after that.

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Because nothing exists to tell him to not do it. He was fully conscious that he is God. Thus he could do whatever he wants. Literally whatever he likes, including drugs. Being enlightened do not mean you can't have some fun ?

Edited by Highest

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  On 3/20/2019 at 11:16 PM, Jkris said:

Chandra Mohan jain alias acharya Raineesh alias Osho a criminal - J.Krishnamurthy

A pimp who called himself bhaghvan.

He was against purification of mind,renounciation,celebacy.sexual morality

He criticized traditional marriage system family  parent hood advocated free sex and the bastartized children brought up by the commune not by family parents.fooled people that self realisation can be realized through sex.

Praised Hitler charged heavily for his meditation courses called himself richmans guru.Had sex with disciples.was having 91 rolls royce and his gullible followers trusted his words as gospel of truth and kept donating him not realizing he is fooling them.

Only people who with a purified mind desirelless free from cravings not after sex,money,fame,power can be truly said to be enlightened.

Osho was a pure evil I'm.thank good America threw him out and 21 other countries recognized him as an evil and denied visa and finally had to return India and died 3 years after that.

That's what you heard about him,

But you weren't there to know if it happened.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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What do you mean by addiction? 

Are you addicted to spirituality? Or you're following the spiritual path because you recognize that it's good for your development? 

How do you differentiate between being addicted to a tool and using the tool consciously? 

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  On 3/21/2019 at 10:38 AM, Bluebird said:

@Barna Struggling with this question myself. Psychedelics make you ask this real seriously.

Are you working with weed or Ketamine? Or deeper psychedelics like mushrooms or mescaline? 

I noticed a slight addiction in myself to weed (meaning that I crave it even when I don't need it). So now I'm using it less. 

But I can't imagine being addicted to mushrooms. My body doesn't like mushrooms at all, I feel a pressure in my head, my whole body becomes weak and I feel cold. I'm still taking small doses of mushrooms (0.5 g) on the weekends. But it's only to step out of my physical and mental comfort zone. 

Edited by Barna

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@SQAAD Because enlightenment doesn't make anyone perfect.

Because after enlightenment you are still affected by your dopamine system.


"Buddhism is for losers and those who will die one day."

                                                                                            -- Kenneth Folk

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  On 3/21/2019 at 11:57 AM, Enlightenment said:

@SQAAD Because enlightenment doesn't make anyone perfect.

Because after enlightenment you are still affected by your dopamine system.


And that's relative anyway.

Maybe there is countries where rape and mistreatment of women is seen as sacred, who knows.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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  On 3/20/2019 at 7:33 PM, SQAAD said:

I don't claim that enlightened people are perfect or anything like that BUT i just don't understand why someone who is truly enlightened would end up indulging in drugs and etc . 

It just boggles my mind. ¬¬

Because the person is not enlightened, the person can change for 'better' after self realization, but is the universe that becomes enlightened and doesn't identify  with the person anymore.

Edited by Dumb Enlightened

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There is a conspiracy that Osho was heavily drugged/poisoned in US prisons which ultimately cut short his life and probably contributed to drug addiction(if he had any)

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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