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You’re enlightened! So why are you still on this forum?

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@Dumb Enlightened You keep expanding and become aware of subtler and subtler dimensions of consciousness, from what I understand. But i mean the spiritual dimension itself is so fantastic.

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  On 3/19/2019 at 0:57 PM, FoxFoxFox said:

@Dumb Enlightened You keep expanding and become aware of subtler and subtler dimensions of consciousness, from what I understand. But i mean the spiritual dimension itself is so fantastic.

Do you have books suggestions ?

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There are no '' enlightened'' beings. Only God IS. Once you become conscious of God and that I am It, you can do whatever you want. Why just chop wood and carry water? Why not join an online non-dual forum and expand consciousness for others and see others understanding and perspectives on nonduality and God etc etc. To me that's just fun. 

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  On 3/19/2019 at 0:57 PM, FoxFoxFox said:

You keep expanding and become aware of subtler and subtler dimensions of consciousness,

@FoxFoxFox @Dumb Enlightened  I've been listening to this lately and it's doing exactly that.


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@Dumb Enlightened Mmm not without knowing what specific topic you are interested in. Actually if i were to get a good picture of how your inner experience of life is, i could probably introduce you to very good material. You just have to paint a clear picture what you understand from life. It requires a lot of honesty. 

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@FoxFoxFox I've been meditating with it eyes closed with headphones and it's getting really deep. I just finished a session and I'm not sure what I became. There are just no words beside to say it was something very subtle.

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@cetus56 Sweet. Did you experience any physical sensations in the third-eye area? Pulsation, ticking sounds, expansion etc? 

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  On 3/19/2019 at 1:24 PM, FoxFoxFox said:

@cetus56 Sweet. Did you experience any physical sensations in the third-eye area? Pulsation, ticking sounds, expansion etc? 

@FoxFoxFox No not yet. I left the body behind but yet existed in a quite different way.

I was listening to what you shared. That's a good one for a chill'n background sound.

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  On 3/19/2019 at 1:26 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

That's a trick question because you want me to define the Ego in language, in terms of thought.  The Ego cannot be reduced to being specified in language.

So is it really a trick question?

This is you asking you this, can it be a trick, really?



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  On 3/19/2019 at 1:21 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

I am God and No Ego sound like an oxymoron.

I am That which is the absence of the illusory ego. You can call it ''It or That' '' but it took me a year to become conscious that It is actually God. It was also confirmed several times that It was God on weed. Check out my topic ''Weed - God saw through my eyes''. That was my nr 1 non-dual experience so far. 

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@cetus56 Awesome. Subjective inner experience is really difficult to compare when it comes to post-rational experiences, so I was wondering if we could compare physical symptoms. Recently (and i mean as early as yesterday) i've had some interesting experience of my own. It was as if my heart opened to allow a flow of energy through. I was looking at the face of a human being and it began to break down. It really just melted away. And then behind it I saw the shape of an androgynous being made white light. It was very brief but I'm planning to do some serious meditation tonight.

Today I feel very different. It's like an entire new type of being has opened to me. I feel very spiritual. Spiritual concepts that only existed in the mind yesterday, feel very palpable today. I also notice i've suddenly become very proficient at conveying spiritual concepts to others.


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  On 3/19/2019 at 1:35 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

No.  What you're done is not throw a football.  What you've done there is type out some letters.  If I didn't speak English what you typed out would be meaningless.  Yet, no matter which language you speak, you can pick up and throw a football.

You asked, “in language”. “Throwing a football”, is language. Yes, there’s no meaning in the language. 

Notice though Joseph, you deflect every question. You don’t actually answer. That’s fine, but you cold take it and use it. 



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  On 3/19/2019 at 1:33 PM, FoxFoxFox said:

Today I feel very different. It's like an entire new type of being has opened to me. I feel very spiritual. Spiritual concepts that only existed in the mind yesterday, feel very palpable today. I also notice i've suddenly become very proficient at conveying spiritual concepts to others.

@FoxFoxFox A new level of consciousness is awakening.

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