Tony 845

You’re enlightened! So why are you still on this forum?

145 posts in this topic

This puzzles more then anything, it seems the people that are “enlightened” are on this forum more then anyone ?

but honestly how is sitting on here arguing about enlightenment with people helping you if you are enlightened???? 

Also how come all of the heavy hitter Main stream “enlightened” people aren’t on this forum? 

many of these “enlightened people” you would think they would want to help us. But most of them seem to be smart asses that like to type with their chest puffed out & don’t seem enlightened at all. 

Go ahead, enlighten me ?

Edited by Tony 845

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@Joseph Maynor cause I’m calling bluffs around here, I still have an ego lol 

also cause I’m getting info from people who I honestly think aren’t enlightened whatsoever, that claim they are! 

Edited by Tony 845

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This puzzles more then anything, it seems the people that are “enlightened” are on this forum more then anyone ?

There's certainly lots of devils on this forum, don't make the mistake to confuse them with actual enlightened beings. People that are far on the path are generally easy to spot. As Leo said in his Ten Ox-Herding Pictures video, look out for people that are very humble, those are the one who will be able to help you the most in your journey.

but honestly how is sitting on here arguing about enlightenment with people helping you if you are enlightened???? 

Let's say that after 5/10 years of diligent practice you encountered ultimate reality, wouldn't you be genuinely happy to be able to assist someone who is on the path? I think I would!

Also how come all of the heavy hitter Main stream “enlightened” people aren’t on this forum? 

Most of these people already have a community of their own to handle. Some of them actively teach, some of them have a retreat center to run, some of them just aren't interested in participating in an online forum.

And as always, I'm not enlightened myself, far from it. Take what I say with a grain of salt, forge your own opinions :)

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@Tony 845 You are puzzled by your belief in enlightened people, and separate beings. That puzzle is a distraction to the real puzzle, you.

Just take one minute to is that someone else could be enlightened? Doesn’t enlightenment denote, everyone is One? Obviously, only you could become enlightened, because only you are holding your beliefs.



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53 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

but honestly how is sitting on here arguing about enlightenment with people helping you if you are enlightened????

Actually they do.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Why are you worried about others?  Focus on your own game.

And further — how does one know they’re Enlightened?

There’s plenty of people on here who think they’re Enlightened, yet they couldn’t be more different from each other even if they tried to be.

So, don’t you see that discussion and difference of perspective is warranted and useful even among the so called Enlightened?

You act as if all Enlightened people agree.  That’s a myth; it couldn’t be further from the truth.

This is a much longer discussion than you currently appreciate.


You act as if all Enlightened people agree.  That’s a myth; it couldn’t be further from the truth.


Ego ^^^^^^^ this is what I’m talking about. 

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@Joseph Maynor if you are arguing and or disagreeing is that not EGO? ?‍♂️ On some level???

Edited by Tony 845

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10 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@ajasatya @ajasatya you enlightened yes or no? 

yes. i have no emotional/mental/existential struggles. life feels great everyday. its been 3~4 years.

unborn Truth

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@Joseph Maynor can you please explain what ego means to you? 

Ego is a feeling (sense of me, i feeling) or ego is a thought? 

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2 hours ago, ajasatya said:

@Tony 845 i am here for those in deep shit. maybe my experience can serve someone.

I definitely think it has, you offer some of the best tough love I've seen on here personally 

Comprehensive list of techniques:

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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@Tony 845 What you call enlightenment is only the beginning of a process of God-realization. "Mainstream" enlightened gurus are hardly at that level. There are benefits to being active in an enlightenment forum. The most important thing is exposure to shakti directed at spiritual evolution. 

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@Joseph Maynor You get to be your own point of view, always. It's a matter of perspective. The only objectivity in it is that you can find other people who agree with me, as i'm sure you can find people who agree with you. Experience is subjective, in the end. 

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