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Resiliency vs Antifragility

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I'm almost done with Nassim Taleb's Antifragile, and really appreciate the idea of not only surviving volatility/challenges, but actually getting better because of them.

When you face challenges in life, what strategies do you use to benefit from them? How do you not only get through them but actively improve yourself and get closer to self-actualization because of them?

Really interested in hearing your thoughts!

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Taking responsibility for your results in life by not blaming others and cultivating your life everyday without expecting gains can make you anti-fragile.

  • Examples
    • At a police station, white guys don't like black guys. A black guy takes the responsibility for his promotion. He doesn't blame white guys for delayed promotion. Later, he becomes a detective, and white guys take their orders from him.
    • Real example // a group of poor black people in the middle of the 20th century met together and created an art movement. They became successful artists because difficulties made them come together to create a group. People become more successful when they create a group for a purpose.
    • You are bullied at a school. Instead of blaming bullies for their cruelties, you take responsibility for your self defense by learning martial art and focusing on growing your body without expecting to gain strengths for a long time. Your mind and body become stronger.
    • Your girl friend dumped you horribly. Instead of blaming her, you take responsibility for your emotions. You become more impermeable to emotional shocks.
Edited by CreamCat

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