
Some Very Important Questions Before First Psylocybin Trip

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Hey. Im Konrad, im 19 and this is my first post in this forum, actually I have just discovered it and I am pleasantly surprised.


I'm getting ready for my first psychodelic trip with magical mushrooms for about 2-3 weeks. I have several bothering, important questions:


1.what dose should I take on the first trip of Psylocibe Cubensis B +? I think about 1,75 g.  My trip is focused primarily on the exploration of consciousness, getting rid of fears that limit me. I've been meditating for a year. I understand the whole nonduality and the fact that the truth is silence.The mushrooms themselves spoke to me. I'm completely ready.

2. should I approach the trip with the intention that mushrooms help me get rid of patterns and fears in my head (My body has a lot of fears, I have small problems with communication in the company. I feel it's all in my DNA.) and broaden my awareness, or should I completely accept what they give me, without any expectations/intentions?

3.Is it better to spend this trip alone, or with a friend who will also eat mushrooms?

4. I really want to get rid of in my body: fears, patterns, limitations. Should I remind all the situations that causes me fear in the morning the same day? For example, when I want to speak in the company (even friends), I feel fear. I do not even understand why.



Please describe complicated things as simply as possible. My English is not great :) 

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Its a very mild Dose if you take 1,75 grams, but very well suited for a beginner. I am very sure you will be fine, hence you managed to meditate for 1 year and must have build some capacity to not identify with your ego.

You will get some nice glimpses on what psychedelics can do at this dose, but it probaly wont be too profound.

On the point of dealing with you neurosis that can happen but is very unlikly given your experience and dose, but if you set proper expectatins maybe you'll get soem insigth on how to deal with it or let go of it.

On the 3rd point, it would depend what you want to get out of the trip, I personaly can work better with the psychdelic when I am alone, but haveing someone, with you especialy if they have prior experience  can be helpfull if you want to talk abount things that come up that puzzle you, or they can help you if your trip starts going bad (which is very unlikely). What is very helpfull no matter what is discussing you trip when is over and on the next few days to contextualize, integrate and work out what you experienced (which is the most important part).

On the 4rd poitn, it is unlikly that you will make major strides toward this in one  low dose psychedelic session. I myself have done arounf 26 session 22 low or micro dose (few gramms of mushrooms or 8-50 ng LSD) and 4 medium-high dose trips (250 ng ALAD, 3 times 100 ng LSD) and still suffer from alot unececary anxieties and limitations, alotough I made some good progress compared to the past. :) Overcoeming these is also reliant on what you do to eradicate them. Fear for example can only be overcome trough confrontation (psychedelics can also confront you with them),


Whatever you decide to do have a nice Trip my friend! :)


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1 gram for first time. Just get your feet wet, see what it is, no expectations. If you have a chill friend, and you’re both only doing 1g, having a friend there is great. Have fun with it. Not stupid fun. Down the road, when you have more experience, go solo.

It really sounds like you need to drop your current projections of seriousness and fear, etc - and adopt the perspective of fun, carefree, let loose, unwind, breathe and relax. Say some self love affirmations before taking it, about how natural and easy it is to forgive yourself and love yourself. In 20 -30 trips, I never once brought ego (my personal wants & expectations) into a trip. The trip is to be without ego, so you can have a peak at what it is. 


“fears that limit me....fears in my head....I feel it's all in my DNA....fears, patterns, limitations....all the situations that causes me fear....I feel fear.................I do not even understand why.”

What stands to be understood, is “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”. 

You can not realize an answer with the same mind that is creating the problem. If you want to be without all of those, be without them. If the point of the trip is to be without them (fear), then definitly do not bring them (beliefs) with you. Don’t you want to trip, to see the trip? Don’t bring your problems. Write down any and all concerns in your life on a piece of paper, bless it, and put it in a dresser drawer or somewhere safe. Tell yourself, I am without them now. I put them away.

And above all else, no matter what - don’t resist. Surrender. 

Might want to write “you’re totally fine, relax, and Surrender” on a piece of paper, and position it in front of you. 

Also, do not just eat them. Make tea. The flesh of the shroom has a low toxicity and the last thing you need tripping is neurotoxicity coloring your perspective & thoughts. 



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1.75g is a light to moderate dose. Based on what you wrote, you seem to be interested in using psychedelics for personal development (to discover and work through subconscious fears. Especially for your initial time, I would not get close to ego death. It can be very insightful, yet also very destabilizing. And the sub ego death zone can induce anxiety and distraction. I wouldn’t go higher than 1.75g and would consider a bit lower so you still feel grounded during the trip and it is a positive experience. And a light dose is much easier to integrate into sober life. 

I had a similiar intention when I first used psychedelics - to discover subconscious fears. Ime I would suggest a couple things. First, I would reorient the mind so it is not so self seeking oriented. I’m hearing a self that mushrooms are a tool to get what the self wants - to remove subconscious fears. I could get away with that mindset at lower doses, yet not at moderate or high doses. Here, I would reframe the intention as a humble request that subconscious fears be revealed. I would not approach ego death with any type of agenda. If one goes into that zone with a mindset that they are in control and are using shrooms as a tool, it will likely be a rough ride. When the self dissolves, nonduality doesn’t care about the self. There is no separate self to care about. Yet at 1.75 you would likely be below this zone. 

Second, I would plan to trip three times on this intention. The first time on a low dose then higher if needed. Trips can be very different based on dose, mindset and setting. The deep insight might not come in the first trip. You may be in bliss the whole or throwing up or staring at something for an hour. If you do three trips, the odds of having one with deep insights is pretty good. As well, the theme of each trip will likely be different. You may be shown the nature of fear from three different perspectives which may give a more complete experience and understanding. 

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10 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

 Especially for your initial time, I would not get close to ego death. It can be very insightful, yet also very destabilizing.

My body is ready to become one with universe, although it is already ... my meditations come really deep, I feel like I'm connected to everything, like I'm everything. Thanks to the philosophy of advaita vedanta and Mooji, I understood it really deeply.

do not get me wrong, please, I am an ordinary spiritual boy, I do not have big fears that make life difficult for me, but I have those that limit me. For example, I'm afraid of meeting new people, I'm afraid that they do not accept me.


my body is ready for a lot. Most of my junk habits have already peeled off. I feel my chakras and energy.


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34 minutes ago, KP_Spirituality27 said:

My body is ready to become one with universe, although it is already ... my meditations come really deep, I feel like I'm connected to everything, like I'm everything. Thanks to the philosophy of advaita vedanta and Mooji, I understood it really deeply.

do not get me wrong, please, I am an ordinary spiritual boy, I do not have big fears that make life difficult for me, but I have those that limit me. For example, I'm afraid of meeting new people, I'm afraid that they do not accept me.


my body is ready for a lot. Most of my junk habits have already peeled off. I feel my chakras and energy.


I would go into the trip open to whatever lessons arise. For me, being genuine and humble are really important factors.

I’ve gone into a trip with a request that my subconscious fears be revealed. And they were. Not only my fears, also the nature of all human fear and insecurity. It increased my empathy for others 100X.

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28 minutes ago, KP_Spirituality27 said:

Most of my junk habits have already peeled off. I feel my chakras and energy

That literally brought tears. Good for you brother. 



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40 minutes ago, Nahm said:

That literally brought tears. Good for you brother. 

Why? What do you mean? :o I also train Internal Martial Arts, Taichi ( Standing Like A Tree ) It awakens energetic system.

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@KP_Spirituality27 Your being is just beautiful, it transcends our screens and words. I’m really happy for you.  Seeing your blooming, the “process of self realization”, gets me in the feels every time. Honestly, you had me at “my first trip”...?



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1g should be good enough for your firsr trip.

 You should do it when you are in a good emotional states, otherwise it can be a pretty bad trip.

 If you decide to use it with a friend, you both should remain silent during the trip.

 And if you have a history of psychosis, psychedelics are not recommended.

good luck!

Edited by Gabriel Antonio

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I love the night, I love the moonlight. Do you think it would be better to experience it at night or in the afternoon?

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the last questions very important to me

What is the conversion of fresh mushrooms to dried ones? I heard that 10g fresh = 1g dried. If I decided to take 2 grams, it means that I have to take 20 grams of dried?


I am looking for the safest way to take them. I hate nausea and spinning in my head. How to take them?

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