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WEIRD meditation experience - would love to hear some opinions

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So yesteday i sat down to meditate as i usually do (at this point ive been trying TM and different concentration techniques for about a year) 
the session is usually about 40-60 mins, and usually after about 30 min i become highly concentrated. 
what happened is that at a certain moment i became so ecstatic, everything felt awsome, my body got really excited (even got an instant boner), my spine vibrated, and i felt as though i was having sex with reality for a while, the thing is that i didnt feel quite  a big change in how i percieve myself, and ego thoughts were defenitely  still running although at a much slower rate than usual (no sexual thoughts!).  i was letting go more and more and the more i allowed myself to let go the ecstasy got intensified! 

was it like a semi enlightment? am i going crazy? wtf was this amazing experience?!

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