
Spiral Dynamics and other conceps are creating distortions/delusions.

4 posts in this topic

If you want some wise advice i would discard this spiral dynamics ideology altogether. Sure it can help to some degree when used correctly(when its needed) but it has become second nature in these forums to link almost everything that people are doing and asking about to spiral dynamics. This becomes delusion within itself and distorts truth. We seem to get attached to concepts far too much here on Actualized Forums, Ultimately its holding us back more.

Psychedelics, Enlightenment, Spiral Dynamics, Ego, ect... ect...

Don't lose yourselves in concepts, don't attach yourselves to concepts more than required, this only deludes you further.

Be more Involved yes but less attached.

That's where true mastery resides.




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How very stage yellow of us. :D

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Yeah I think it of course has its uses, but with every tool, there are specific uses for that tool.  If spiral dynamics was a screw driver, I feel like I see people trying to pound in a nail with that screw driver or cut a board in half, it seems rather silly sometimes but I also have my favorite tools in my toolbelt that get overused 

Comprehensive list of techniques:

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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People feed on concepts. They are desperate for conceptual models and steps. Guidelines.

Not many are used to "feeling into" things and figuring them out by themselves. More like; following the herd. 

That is why conceptual models like SD and others are practical and useful for the masses. They are easy to consume. They put things in their boxes. Create some order. Minds like order.

Ultimately, I agree with you.

One can feel into the process of awakening, naturally. Surrender into it. It is happening on its own. Like a blooming flower. 

All comes down to relevance.

Edited by ivankiss

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