
Law of attraction doesnt work [proof]

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3 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Limitless Conscious Existence? (Brahman).

Why are you asking me? 


What is your answer? 

WHo would you be without the belief “I can’t have a girlfriend”? 





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7 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

Yes, but very far fetched truth. In the same way as "I can become a jetfighter pilot."


You could become a pilot, you’d need to learn a lot, address the fear of heights (if you had one), get in your flight time, and obtain a license.

What is it you feel you need to learn,  what fear would you need to address, how would you get your experience / ‘time in’, to be a boyfriend?


“It might be possible.. but we all know it isn't going to happen”

How do you know that’s true - that you know what everyone knows?

How do you know it’s true, that you know what will or will not happen?


Direct experience of having no success with the opposite sex. And of how the whole human specie and society works.

Is that really true? Is it true that you know how the whole human species and society works? 

What did you try that did not ‘work’, what did you learn, what did you then try differently? 



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Law of Attraction:

What do I want?: A girlfriend.

What beliefs are in the way, causing resistant thinking? That I can’t have a girlfriend.


You can choose the girlfriend, you can choose the belief.

In any case Michael - you are getting exactly what you believe you should get. (Or not get)


If you want a girlfriend, every thought which says you can not have a girlfriend, must be inspected. 

You can choose the girlfriend, you can choose not to do the work of inspection.

In any case - you are getting exactly what you believe you should get. (Or not get)


You might even discover, that you have a belief, that you are above doing the work that many other people with girlfriends, did. 

Inspect that belief.

Or don’t. 



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9 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

@Nahm Okay I see :)..

But having to work for it means that it isn't law of attraction.

Who says you have to work for “it”? The work is letting go of your beliefs. It feels great and is effortless. “The Work” is linguistic. Call it “The Fun” if you like. Just start letting go. Start allowing other perspectives. The way you’ve been going about this is incredibly difficult and taxing. I think you tried that way long enough. I think you can put it down now. 

Why? Because having to work for it falls under the normal category materialism/science/asleep people.

Then let go of that belief. 

While law of attraction supposedly falls under the category non-duality. Which it actually doesn't. It falls under the category woo-woo.

Let go of the belief in “woo woo”. That’s your belief; that there is material and there is woo woo. That’s your belief. 

I don't think a single sage or alive popular enlightened teacher have teached/is teaching about law of attraction.

You can’t attract for other people. Just you. You don’t need validation from other people (teachers, sages, etc) That’s just a belief of yours. You have not yet realized that the reality you experience is limited by your beliefs. Someone without your beliefs, knows all popular nondual teachers discuss LOA. You don’t have access to that though - only because you believe it’s not true. I triple dog dare you to google “Rupert Spira law of attraction”, “Eckhart Tolle law of attraction”, etc. And I quadruple dog dare you to not even need to seek that validation. 




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37 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

But having to work for it means that it isn't law of attraction.

Why? Because having to work for it falls under the normal category materialism/science/asleep people.

no that's not the case. i'm tired of seeing people work HARD with undisciplined minds and failing to achieve what they want. they get sick, worried, stressed, isolated etc because they don't know how to make their inner fire burn with consistency. those people are usually in a state of "closedmindness" and fail to pick up on "signals" that reality presents to them. they usually fail to think differently - out of the box - to gain momentum and overcome challenges in a relaxed state.

if you fall back into the purely material paradigm, it will feel like you have to carry the world on your back. you will try and fail over and over until you start blaming the "material world".

if you go to the other extreme and try to apply the law of attraction without taking action, it will turn into naive wishful thinking, as if "the world" should carry "you". you will be too frustrated and then you will start blaming the "spiritual world".

what's on the middle path? the middle path is found when you realize the unity between internal desires, bodily karma and external reality. "you" and "the world" move together as ONE ALIVE THING.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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1 minute ago, Mikael89 said:

LOA is a selfish desire anyway. So it would work against liberation.

use LOA to attract enlightenment. when "i did it"/"it happened to me", many doors started to open. i was able to spend two 5-months periods living as a full-time monk.

nowadays i use LOA to attract ways to serve the world. it works. and it's starting to grow bigger and faster.

unborn Truth

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@Mikael89 Don’t try to do it in your head. Our egos are too tricky. Use a pen & paper. Write down what you want, as clearly as possible.  Then write down anything stopping you, and any reasons you can’t. Then look at each reason and ask how you know that’s true. Write the opposite down. Ask if that is true. If you want to do this, but you just can’t do it now or today, write down when you want to do it as a reminder, and let it go.  



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@Mikael89 For girlfriend try watching RSDTyler he has good tips.  Loa wont help as it hasn't helped with anything. 

People defending Loa are those who think if they say it doesn't work, it will never work for them.

Basically they are lying to themselves and others in order to keep their imaginary law checked. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Mikael89 there are guys out there that claim there is a science to picking up girls no matter if you are attractive,  rich, etcetera.  It might be good to take a peak.

I don't know why you think you are beyond all help, don't underestimate what a good teacher can provide. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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2 hours ago, Dodo said:

People defending Loa are those who think if they say it doesn't work, it will never work for them.

Basically they are lying to themselves and others in order to keep their imaginary law checked. 

i've achieved a few things up to my 25's without knowing law of attraction. the output was an anxious, tired, depressed, needy and neurotic guy.

there is a way to achieve things within the flow state. in fact, i've achieved more on the last 4 years of my life than on the first 25 without spending nearly 1/10 of the energy i spent before.

edit: i'll stop it here. i'm starting to sound dogmatic. these things have to be found by each person.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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@Dodo I have some proof too. I was thirsty and try to will some water into me but I dropped the glass of water onto the floor making a mess instead. I'm still thirsty but what the use of trying?

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3 hours ago, ajasatya said:

there is a way to achieve things within the flow state. in fact, i've achieved more on the last 4 years of my life than on the first 25 without spending nearly 1/10 of the energy i spent before.





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@Mikael89 You’ll see what you say about your personality, not getting a girlfriend, etc, - is the limitation of your beliefs, not actual. If you do the consciousness work, you could see it before the end of this life.

By consciousness work, I mean pen & paper, and having a look at that big ol ego, by questioning the beliefs.



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I have some new insight into this matter. You don't have to take my word for law or anything but this has been my new experience with life. Life is all about intention. The universe will immediately respond to your intentions. It's just that you have to trust the universe that it will fulfill your desires. Any doubt you might have when you desire something, is really a fragment of you that desires the opposite. So unify your being and intent things to happen. 

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On 3/16/2019 at 11:15 AM, Dodo said:

So I tried to will money into my life, it did not happen. Actually I kept losing and losing more and more. 

That’s not my understanding of how LOA. If someone has underlying psychological dynamics with money (e.g. fear), they will attract money issues into their life.

Similarly, if someone has issues with authority figures, they will attract conflict with authority figures. I see this all the time at my work. Someone will ask me “Can you believe what Paul told me to do? Well he has another think coming if he thinks I’m going to bow down on that committee and kiss his ass”. She then discribes passive agressive behavior she plans to do. I sit there beffuddled how she interpreted Paul’s request in that manner. It is her orientation, her filter on how she perceives life and she is constantly attracting conflict with authority figures. 

My understanding of LOA is it’s about energetic dynamics. I don’t think it is a magic genie that grants a person’s wishes. It would be hella fun if it was. I’d be rubbin’ that bottle every morning.

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