
Anxiety/Panic Attack

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Anxiety attack symptoms are similar to heart attack symptoms. I have had this sensations before in my life, they started 10 years ago. I told myself:  -''Wow these are heart attack symptoms!'' But I brush it off. I didn't know it was anxiety.

On march 4 i had another episode. 

3 weeks ago i had another episode. (I thought there was a good chance i would die in my sleep. I actually wrote a piece of paper with the date on it and saying: -''I love you mom, i love you sisters and i love you dad''  and left it on the living room table)

And 2 days ago I thought i was having a heart attack. I went right away to the cardiologist he told me my heart is perfect.

Turns out it was an anxiety attack. During these last episodes i thought i was going to die. I started thinking about my biggest regret in life: Not having lots of sex.

I thought: -''OK so i am dying today, it was a nice ride. I just regret not having more sex.''

I cut my caffeine intake months ago to make this anxiety go away it has worked tremendously. Specially with the sweaty palms.

As i write this i feel anxiety. For many people the fear of having another anxiety attack triggers a panic attack.

Fear, Anger and thinking about the future gives me anxiety.

Fight or flight response gives me extra adrenaline. Now that i know it is anxiety, i know i can go for a walk, or even a run to get the excess of adrenaline out. Before i didn't know, i will tough it out thinking that it was not a good idea to elevate my heart beat frequency.

I smoke a lot of weed. Weed can help reduce overall anxiety levels. But weed can also exacerbate the anxiety attack.

What helps?

Meditation breathing techniques.

I am so glad and grateful for having a healthy heart. Now is time to have a healthy mind.B| 

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I don't think its a good idea to smoke weed mediation won't help much probably but here is some things i think may be useful.

You should probably look for more professional advice. 

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@Arcangelo When you're panicking it's not easy to meditate, or even quit weed. So remember these won't be easy things, you could always continue with them later on when you're in a better frame of mind. 

I'm fimiliar with these feelings too, for that i'll say everything i think you might not know that helped me when i was in your position.

You say sex is your greatest regret? "not having lots of sex" That is normal, do not feel ashamed for this. You are only human.

This thing with regret is, you will have lots of sex and soon regret not being able to hold down a relationship. Maybe you'll do that and when you reach 40 you wondered why you never had a kid? Or you'll wonder why you didn't and just pursued your career. 

This is the nature of regret, there is no way to quell it besides acceptence. If you're in denial of regret, you're in denial of the very nature of mankind.

Everyone will feel it sooner or later and you're feeling it earlier on, this exposure will help you learn to cope with it in time.

What we can't do is control how we feel but we can control how we perceive our emotions.

Edited by Deepconcepts

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  On 3/15/2019 at 7:40 PM, Deepconcepts said:

Maybe you'll do that and when you reach 40 you wondered why you never had a kid? Or you'll wonder why you didn't and just pursued your career. 


I am 39. No kid. Honestly i don't want kids because i am selfish. I want all my money for me, and i want all my free time for me.

I am definitely seeking for more professional help. I am going to see a yellow stage doctor soon.

Thanks for the replies!

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@Arcangelo Well my main idea is that regret is a condition of being human and the only way to get around it is to stop resisting and accept it. I'm also not sure if you're kidding or not about the whole kid thing though.

I have no way of knowing you're 40 

There's nothing wrong with this if you're ashamed of feeling this way you'll see it in a negative light, when you look at regret from a more nuteral perspective you'll be able to better cope. 


Or atleast i have in my experience, good luck.

Edited by Deepconcepts

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I get it: everybody is gonna regret something when they die. Is part of being human.

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@Arcangelo If you really got it wouldn't you think that you'd accept this feeling of regret and not worry about it? 

it has truly worked for me, i am not saying you don't understand it but to apply this understanding to your daily life would inherently eliminate regret and give unconditional acceptance.

Anxiety/Panic is a sensation but it usually comes in form of a rationalization to fear something like my heart will stop, or  i haven't had enough sex in form of a regret Etc. To be clear you can escape it once you accept it, and never feel regret again. 

have you found a CBT therapist? I have had much success with that form of therapy in my severe stages of anxiety.

Keep moving forward. Goodluck


Edited by Deepconcepts

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100% serious about the kid thing. I am at stage orange.

Edited by Arcangelo

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@Arcangelo i'm glad you decided to ask this question on the forum. This will be overcame. 

Edited by Deepconcepts

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Sometimes a good hot bath with epsom salts can help.  Its good at clearing energy.  maybe listen to some relaxing music at the same time. 

Another good thing that has helped me is a reminder that this shall pass and its only happening now, not every minute, things will return to normal, and have faith in that, even appreciate that.

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Hey guys thanks for the replies!

I have noticed that i have slight depersonalization and very slight derealization when i smoke weed.

I have a question why is it that depression is always tied to these words: anxiety, depersonalization and derealization?

Honestly, i feel untouchable, now that i know it's all in my head.

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Hi there, I think weed is really not a good option. When you are depressed, you will really felt where your thoughts and feelings seem to be unreal or in which you lose all sense of identity. To prevent this, you also have to help your self to treat this. Psychotherapy or talk therapy and family therapy are one way of treating this. You can also try Creative therapy such as exercise, yoga, meditation and mostly music therapy. Music therapy is one of the effective ways combined with meditation. Try to listen to these Calm music like anikiko- letting go of anxiety and stress, relaxing music by music nutrition and other healing music. These therapies help you to explore and express your thoughts and feelings in a safe and creative way.

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  On 3/25/2019 at 6:27 AM, Ysabelle said:

When you are depressed

This is exactly what i am talking about. Who said i was depressed? Gonna ask the question again:

Why is it that depression is always tied to these words: anxiety, depersonalization and derealization?


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Hey, man this guys stuff helped me. I had panic attacks up until a few months ago.


Let me know how it goes for you. Try it out even if you don't fully believe it at the beginning. Implement and take time on it.

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  On 3/25/2019 at 4:53 AM, Arcangelo said:

Hey guys thanks for the replies!

I have noticed that i have slight depersonalization and very slight derealization when i smoke weed.

I have a question why is it that depression is always tied to these words: anxiety, depersonalization and derealization?

Honestly, i feel untouchable, now that i know it's all in my head.

Your welcome.  When ever you feel this way again, keep coming back to what you learned here. 

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Hi, today i had a small panic attack while meditating, which is ridiculous.

I had an awakening experience 2-3 weeks ago. That awakening stayed with me for like a week. It was Great, my monkey mind shut the fuck up. But after that week or so, i started projecting again.  >:(

I thought that if i say nothing to nobody about the awakening staying with me it will stay forever. O.o

I quit weed for 3 days. Today i smoked before my McDonald's job and it was great. i was silent and laser focused, but i had a little bit of paranoia though. Happens when i quit smoking and come back. Like coming back was more stressful than quitting. Felt more anxious about coming back than to keep not smoking.

Then i get home change my clothes, eat a mango and light up a joint. i thought to myself I shouldn't be smoking recreationally, only medicinally (for insomnia and to stay silent and focused at McDonald's in my case)

I am enjoying my high and decide to meditate. I have been realizing after the awakening experience that i am everything. Something very difficult to realize without psychedelics. I haven't fully realized this yet (though) and i don't know if I want or can do it. 

My meditation was about watching my thoughts and think about how the subconscious programs in my mind deal with this stream of thoughts. You know like abundance mentality  vs scarcity mentality, totally opposite points of view for the same situation etc.

The thought of being everything came up and anxiety showed up too. Strong. I couldn't keep up with the meditation. At the beginning i thought i was going deep and maybe i did and thinking: -''This is normal we are going deep.'' But i had to stop, turn on the lights, and lay on the bed and overcome it.

I am writing because i think it is therapeutic. It's in my mind: I can control it and overcome it.


Thanks for your support guys!




Edited by Arcangelo

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