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identify with thought do nothing techinique

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If i let go of my intention 
I would go unconscious or aware what ever 
As i go unconscious Are there any chance i would idnetify with my thoughts ? cause i really afraid that i would do some sick things

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Yes, going unconscious and following all the trains of thought is good.

And if you catch yourself identifying and getting caught up in a thought, thats fine. If this happens, be gentle with yourself and release it if possible. But if you cant, go ahead and entertain it. Its part of the process and its only a temporary phase.

You may think abnormally sick thoughts, but its just a phase. Its purging. Its a good sign.

I had this happen for a week or so. I would have these violent visions; with eyes open, it was like a movie right in front of my eyes. The vision was me being aggressive and confronting my family and yelling at all of them in a hyper aggressive way.

It scared me. Because "I" wasnt having these thoughts, the thoughts were just being downloaded out of nowhere.

Within a few meditation sessions these visions past. They have yet to return alongside any type of mental violence.

The Do Nothing approach is as simple as it is. You just sit down and let your brain do whatever. Watch the thoughts, or get lost in them, or chase them, or daydream; its all the same. Hence why there is so much confusion with this technique, because the assumption is, "Yeah but how do I really do this properly? How do i not screw it up?"

And this is the thing. The meditation can be described as a "non meditation." But thats the description! It is meditation.

If someone asserts, oh its too easy too good to be true. The method is nonsense, why bother? Its just daydreaming sort of, I will try a harder meditation for results because this one is too weird and childish....

And if they follow that thought, they wont ever meditate or toy with the technique. Its all self deception/ The Devil.

All you have to do is sit in a chair, do your best to not move, set the timer and thats it! It is powerful technique.

The thing is its so poweful and simple that you may think you are cheating the system. You develop all this insight, psychic ability and memory recollection just by sitting in a chair every day.

Few people will ever sit in a chair and do nothing deliberately. Their minds are so worked up, they arent even allowed to stop or be open minded enough to enter a simple way of being.

**Note. I do this do nothing with a mix of Wim Hof breathing variants. I have found my style.

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