Lost motivation for spiritual work

5 posts in this topic

Sup guys, this is my first post in a while, but I figured I would reach out for suggestions.


I briefly hit a busy patch in my life that kind of threw off any sort of spiritual practice routine I had going on, and now I just feel pretty disinterested towards the whole thing. I think I still understand and experience the magnitude of Being on a semi-regular basis, I'm just not really interested in seeking anything deeper like I used to be. I guess in a way I am just kind of content with the way things are right now (and have always been I guess). I've just lost the feeling that I ought to be searching for anything, and my intuition tells me that it's because I might have gradually realized that there is nothing to seek. 


Any suggestions on how to light that fire again? Some videos and books kind of get me interested again briefly, but I'm finding that 80%+ of theory type stuff tends to be repetitive and boring for me now. I know there is more "progress" to be made, realizations and insights to be had, and mental chatter to be silenced, but I just can't seem to hop back on the wagon. I guess I just feel kind of exhausted with the whole thing right now.

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@ZZZZ Sometimes you need to live life for a bit. If life slaps you around enough, you might want to get back on the path.


Also, spiritual theory is pretty boring. 

Edited by Markus

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People do everything to avoid pain then to gain pleasure

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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11 hours ago, ZZZZ said:

Any suggestions on how to light that fire again?

That fire might be extiguishing because it was part the old system. The seeking energy or fire is useful up to the point of realization then you just let the fire extiguish. It will probably try to reignite several times before it extinguish completely.

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11 hours ago, ZZZZ said:

Some videos and books kind of get me interested again briefly, but I'm finding that 80%+ of theory type stuff tends to be repetitive and boring for me now.

Right lol

It’s ok to take a break. It’s actually quite beneficial in my opinion.

One thing you could do is attend a Vipassana retreat.

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