
The people around your journey

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The people in your life that care for you and know you're on your path of development, and that the struggle with breaking through that sometimes results in backwards slides between progress - any advice on how to manage those relationships and how best they can support you?

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Sorry I'm not fully understanding what type of relationships your asking 'how to manage'

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Oh yes!!

Great timing for your question. I got the juices for this one.

1 minute read from Osho, and the title gives you a taste.

*The Fallacy of Togetherness.*

If people do not allow to go on your path, go alone. Do not remain in the company of fools.

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If I get it correctly, this is what I found for myself.

You do not manage other people or “use them”. They either support you and share or values or they do not. It is a bad idea to try to manage other people behaviors.

Example. If you want to become a vegetarian and all your friends expect two say “your idea is stupid, eat meat because XYZ than you cut off slowly these friends and hang out only with two who remained AND try to find out new ones. You are what you surrond yourself with.
It all boils down to “work with what you have” until you build yourself a new infrastructure, but for this you will have to give up a lot of things which is scary AF.

In addition, yes, overall you will have to be your own best friend because eventually people around or/and you will change radically, and you are the only person around your life from start to the very finish.

"stay ?sitive" - Gautama Buddha (maybe)

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