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Rupert Spira: Don't make self inquiry into a discipline

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Even though I don't really resonate with Rupert Spira, I appreciate the sentiment of this video, especially when he gets out of his metaphysics in the second half of the video.  Being is not alive or dead -- that's the Mind's labels, see, the Mind's talk.  Dualities lay on top of being, thought lays on top of being.  Once you realize that being doesn't depend on thought or talk, you can divorce being from being dependent on thought; which is what the Mind is doing with your metaphysics: making being dependent on the Mind's talk.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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if you do self inquiry as a practice or a discipline in order to gain something or achieve something then you just go around and around on the surface instead of going deeper into the truth of what you really are

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Just depends, in my experience, disciplined action simply yields result, some need it more than others, but ultimately it comes down to doing nothing so yeah, no requirements there

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@isabel so what one must do to go deeper in realizing the truth than self enquiry? 

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@Jkris I actually don't know but I would do self enquiry in the way that he describes

he says to do it because you want to know the truth

he says don't do it as a practice meaning don't use it as a means to an end


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