
My Interrupted Acid Trip Today

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Today I decided I was going to "schedule" an acid trip, and by that I mean I had a rough idea intuitively that I wanted to trip and could benefit from it.

So me at 10 AM pops some acid and smokes a bit of weed while I'm waiting for acid to take effect.  It was a pretty standard acid trip, working through repressed emotions, working on being more connected with my emotions etc.  Anyways, in the height of all these shenanigans I hear a knock on my door, and I kind of shit myself because I don't know if it's the apartment people to show the place, and I've already made enough noise that it's pretty obvious I'm home.  So you can imagine I was a bit flustered when I opened the door and she introduced herself as the neighbor downstairs looking for Wifi.  Which I have huge beef about the wifi situation cause 4/5 people who were on the WiFi last semester flat out stole from me, so I kicked her thief roommate off the Wifi.  Anyways, my point of this whole story is that I thought it was really cool that when she saw that I was clearly flustered given the situation, that she handled it so well.  She didn't try to pretend like I wasn't acting like I was on acid, and she didn't patronize me.  She calmly placed her hands kind of on my arm because I was typing in my venmo, and let me explain everything at my own pace, and she didn't interject with anything stupid like "yeah fuck them for not paying", like she was so much more concerned about me as an individual than any guru fantasy she had internally, insights she was just waiting to spout off to someone.  She really knew what I needed in that moment, which was just a second to compose myself and explain the situation, and she made it so much easier with her body language, the way she softly looked at my eyes, the way she asked relevant questions etc.  

What this situation made me reflect on was just how awesome everyday people can be.  I doubt she would be able to give me a lesson on whatever stage green deficiencies I was working through, but she gave me a lesson in being human.  Her being a calming presence and being an outlet for my emotions which I was definitely feeling at the time made the rest of my day so much better.  I was able to basically forget it happened for a bit, took a nice acid stroll around the lake while dealing with any repressed emotions/suffering, and my trip ended up being great.  I get too lost in trying to articulate my ideas, that I sometimes lose focus of the person in front of me.  The way she looked at me in the eyes when I talked, her body language, her tone, and how she felt really responsive to me.  Like every second, I knew her attention was on me and how I felt, and it made my day so much fucking better because it was the perfect tool for that situation

By the end of the conversation, I told her I was on acid and joked about the situation as a whole, and we laughed about how that made her feel so much more comfortable.  She also paid the Wifi twice, which was on accident I assume, so I have an excuse to message her about that and I think I'll invite her to smoke a bowl with me (she said she smokes)

So apart from me just getting that story out and being able to think it through in my own head, I do want to emphasize any takeaways that I took and maybe you the reader could consider in your own life.  I definitely want to consider my eye contact with people I love, and just everyone.  I think the eyes convey so much emotion and opportunity to let other people know "you don't have to have your guard up", I definitely want to use that knowledge to my advantage when my goal is to help other people open up and let their guard down, give them a chance to express their own emotions they might be feeling.  I also want to look towards everyday people for more and more of my spiritual journey, so I think it's fun to look for lessons in people who weren't even trying to teach a lesson.  She was trying to get wifi, cause I kicked her roommates off it, cause they stole wifi money from me.  But, she certainly handled the situation as well as any master I've seen could have.  

I will also be writing her a small thank you, she really deserves to know that she made my day that much better


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Yeah a lot of human beings are simply just awesome. I’ve meet a couple these last 2 months. Simply awesome, very obliging and intelligent beings.

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1 minute ago, Bluebird said:

You know what would be a real mindfuck... Is if you projected all that and she was just being completely normal ahahaha

I guess we'll see when I get a chance to talk to her about it, whatever theories I might have, I have an appointment with reality where I'll be able to get her point of view as well.  I'm slightly nervous that while on acid I took her phone and was the one that made the payment the second time, but I don't think that was the case.  Certainly would be funny if I took her phone from her hand, entered the wifi money, made a second payment and didn't say anything about it while on acid.  I don't think that's the case though, fingers crossed though cause she was pretty awesome I don't need that to be my first impression 

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I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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@Bluebird Zambi told her he had taken lsd and she clearly saw it from the start and ‘’played’’ out the situation perfectly.

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4 minutes ago, Highest said:

@Bluebird Zambi told her he had taken lsd and she clearly saw it from the start and ‘’played’’ out the situation perfectly.

Or that was after the conversation. Yes, then it could have been like you said bluebird. I’ve had such mind fucks as wellxD


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@zambize For me, human interactions while I’m tripping can be really awkward and uncomfortable or highly empathetic and deeply connected. 

One tme I was tripping in nature and crossed paths with a colleague I hardly know. He keeps to himself and I just wanted to get by with a bit of small talk. The next thing I know we are in a deep conversation and he is opening up about his children, his fears and insecurities about being a father. He wanted so much for his daughters to be successful and happy, yet he also felt like he was being controlling and stffling their development of their true desires. We talked for like an hour and then went our separate ways. . . The next thing I know, I’m tripping balls again asking myself “did that just happen?”. 

The next time I see him around work, he is his normal reserved self and there isn’t even a hint that we had a heart to heart talk in the woods. There was no awkwardness or connection between us. Nothing. I was afraid to ask him if it actually happened.

He got another job and moved out of state. I’ve never seen him since. The weird thing is, I don’t remember any of the details if the conversation I could check up on to verify the conversation. I hust remember the sentiment, the human experience and emotions, his eyes and facial expressions, his hand gestures. So bizarre. 

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1 minute ago, Serotoninluv said:

@zambize For me, human interactions while I’m tripping can be really awkward and uncomfortable or highly empathetic and deeply connected. 

One tme I was tripping in nature and crossed paths with a colleague I hardly know. He keeps to himself and I just wanted to get by him with a bit of small talk. The next thing I know we are in a deep conversation and he is opening up about his children, his fears and insecurities about being a father. He wanted so much for his daughters to be successful and happy, yet he also felt like he was being controlling and stffling their development of their true desires. We talked for like an hour and then went our separate ways. . . The next thing I know, I’m tripping balls again asking myself “did that just happen?”. 

The next time I see him around work, he is his normal reserved self and there isn’t even a hint that we had a heart to heart talk in the woods. There was no awkwardness or connection. Nothing. I was afraid to ask him if it actually happened. He got another job and moved out of state. I’ve never seen him since.

That's really interesting,  I wonder if that will happen with her.  I hope not.  I don't think i'd let it, I have a habit of letting the cat out of the bag like Michael Scott when he just can't keep a fucking secret.  But I can't lie and say I haven't had a similar experience on acid where some kind of encounter got swept under the rug. Be it awkward or a heart to heart.  I do get it though, that woman caught me so off guard, and if that situation made her uncomfortable and she just wants to ignore it, she has every right to.  I personally hope that isn't the case though, fingers crossed.  

Comprehensive list of techniques:

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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You were likely projecting your own attentiveness to her emotions, reactions, wellbeing, and micro-expressions that come with increased consicousness onto her as "her own perfection" when really it was your ideal of perfection.

She may have very well been like that though, I'm purely just making assumptions here.

I've also definitely had those mindfuck moments on LSD where I was in a park and a police officer pulled up to me in a car (was one of my fears based on "past trauma") and started talking to me asking me about a man who's come to the park to hang himself.

I was only on 75ug but suddenly started tripping like 300ug-600ug (HARD!) when he pulled up as I started resisting and freaking out in my mind. Then when it was over I went back to my place and it occured to me how strange that was, I'm still not sure if it happened to this day. And if it did, that's even more of a mindfuck.

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