
LSD Trip Rough Overview

3 posts in this topic

Hello friends. I am not gonna get into all the details. Just want to share these insights with you all.

Took about 185-190ug (375ug blotter split in half) with a nice set up. Just me and my doggo alone, a lot of silence, a sketchbook, some chill music and some Alan Watts philosophy.

If you like to listen to Alan, i would love to share my favorite chillmix built around one of his speeches

It took weirdly long time for acid to take an affect on me, around 2hours.??? It got me a bit off track so i rolled a joint. Now i know what you thinking, please, spare the criticism.

The experience was so profound and deep i have no words to describe. A complete, utter and uncontrollable disappearance of all senses. I could feel the thoughts melting. The sense of sensing was melting before me. It was terrifying. It was beautiful. Impossible to describe. It was so whole it rose such a huge terror in me I can't describe. This rabbit hole is infinite.

At one point i  had to get out of the room i've been in because my reality started shaking really fucking bad. I thought I will go insane, just couldn't deal with all this clusterfuck of an Ego. The closest to what i can describe the experience is every cell of my body, every thought and emotion was raveling out and in to itself. Freaking fucking scary. Don't know how long it took me to get a hold of myself and get out of the bed, but i did and took my doggo outside. Doggy doesn't like strangers very much, so he jumped out on the street barking at the man walking on the other side so i pulled him back and shouted "Rio! Come here!" I got scared the cars will hit him. And he just looked at me confused as to why i just pulled him. That taught me something. The dog didn't care about the cars, he didn't care if he will die or not, he wanted to bark at the man so he did! I was amazed by the realization when we got home, almost crying and the dog just started playing with me, we were running around trying to catch one another. I got so lost in the moment, forgot about everything else, was just running around and playing with him. The dog did as well, started biting me and bark at me. In a playful manner. The connection between me and him was one of the deepest connections I've ever encountered. Spontaneous, uncontrollable joy and happiness.

During a comedown i decided to continue watching Leo's Quantum Mechanics video. Right where he was talking about the infinity including all of the possible finites and how everything is infinite whenever we are not looking at it i glimpsed at my doggo.... and there he was. Just a regular doggo, looking at me through infinity. My body started vibrating a little, i immediately got into tears and laughter.

Here are couple of sketches I sketched during the trip.

The phrase below: Doesn't all this prove that fear is an illusion? We create our own fear.





Edited by karkaore

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Thanks for sharing, seems like you had a beautiful experience!

Also liked the chillmix

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2hrs sounds like a lot, you might want to check if you got the "right" stuff?

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