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In Need of Some Guidance

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Hello all, very happy to be here and hoping to learn a lot from you all as well as give my contribution if possible. Since February 2015, I started my coaching progress. I got a double certification and was certain that it was what I wanted to do and, turns out, I'm kinda of good at it. I made major changes. I enrolled at Toastmasters and became a motivational speaker in some events. I started to do crossfit, started to do meditation, reading and a bunch more habits by using to keep myself in check. For most of 2015, I was being a great machine.

To the end, I fell in love (or so I think) and a spiral of self sabotage or obsession/neediness whatever started. As of now, I've called it quits but I've suffered a bit in emotional terms. 

Granted that as a life coach I've developed a better sense of consciousness and know that this is only a temporary set back. I've gotten a part time job, gone back to the gym (I quit crossfit around August) and been building back some things ever since.

Now, my drive to do the habits that I recommend and tend to do is gone. I can still do them if I force myself to, but I have no more drive to do them. I've stopped my coaching work since I don't feel I can help people if I'm not in a good position myself.

So, all this to ask if I should force the habits (the reading, the meditation, etc) in the hopes of getting "back in shape" or is there another way to look at it?

Thanks in advance for whatever you have to share.

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There's no real fix for this, in my experience. Everything becomes stale, repetitive, dull, or just not as fun as it was when it was fresh and new. This can happen months or years into something. That is why so many people start things. Starting is easy. The hard part is persevering, or seeing it through to the end. That is what separates an achievement from an attempt. It happens to the best of us.

My advice would be to get continual inspiration. Tired of doing work at your desk? Change the venue. Look up quotes or the actions from those your admire. Be more grateful & excited for little things. Work on balancing your chakras. Maybe look to new ways of doing things, even try and be unconventional. Work on your diet. Keep doing spiritual work.

If you still find it hard to stick with this, consider the possibility that this particular path is not for you & do some inner work to find out what it should be. As Leo said, self-development is a life-long thing.

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Visualize the results that doing those habits will bring you in a long run and it may motivate you

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Sounds like you may have pushed yourself too hard and your body/mind mounted a fierce resistance.

This happened because of lack of balance and self-acceptance. You cannot just bull your way through to success, as George Leonard says.

You need a more self-compassionate approach to prevent backlash. You need to make sure that you're integrating all the different parts of you, including the part of you that says, "But I just want to be lazy and watch cartoons!" << That is a legitimate part of you! You can't just ignore it's needs. You have to integrate it. Try asking that part of you, "How are you trying to look out for me? How are you trying to help me? How are you protecting me from harm?" Then listen to what is really has to say.

Negotiate better between all the different forces inside you.

Also try looking into Shadow Work. It will help you a lot here.

Reframe this whole issue as: When I figure this out and get myself sorted, I will be in a better position than ever to be an awesome, congruent coach.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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