
Knowledge does not exist. Understanding is an illusion.

102 posts in this topic

@Leo Gura Agreed.

You cannot give up understanding before reaching a full understanding of it. 

You cannot give up knowing yourself before truly coming to know yourself.

Exclusion is not what this thread is about. I simply aim to see things for what they are; without denying the importance of any.

It may seem contradictory, but this is exactly how unification and integration are playing themselves out. 

Each mind is unique, thus each one has its own unique process of transcendence. 

Thanks and

Great to see ya back. Lookin sharp! 

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On 2019-03-12 at 6:55 PM, ivankiss said:

Now downloading...


A digital expression of Absolute Oneness. Infinity speaks just for You; Actualized.org


Usually I would write about stuff for the purpose of reaching a higher conceptual understanding of nothing. For the benefit of everyone and nobody.

At this given time, I will do the opposite. So basically the same.


There is no one who could know or understand anything, at all.


And there is absolutely nothing to know or understand. Yup. You guessed it; it's all an illusion. Surprise!

Seems pretty darn simple and straight forward, right? If there is no you; how could you know or understand anything? No rocket science. 

However, thoughts are stubborn. They will ask. Complicate things. Run in circles for all eternity.

All until awareness shines through all. Slays through dense clouds.

Spreads through itself and fulfills itself, with itself. 

Knowledge is a two-way illusion. It double-fools. Both he who attains, as well as he who provides are imaginary. Nonexistent. In other words; both the perception of knowledge as well as the source of it are illusory. Hallucinations.


The need for knowledge stems from fear. 


You know you want that safety net. You wanna secure yourself. You wanna know the unknown before stepping into it. Which is rather stupid of you. That is, if you seek freedom.

There are no seatbelts on this ride. No seats at all.

You are the ride. Riding yourself. You do not need safety nets.

Why do you still fear yourself? Have you not caught your own tail already? Have you not stopped chasing nothing? 

Knowledge will never get you past fear. It will only let you know; you know nothing. And you seem to be afraid of not knowing. You overlook the thrill and excitement not knowing brings. No wonder you feel like there's no free will. You could not be imposing more control over yourself. You know you are keeping yourself as a hostage.

Freedom is known by no one.


Understand this:


You do not understand. Never have and never will. You think.

Thoughs produce pleasant emotions when thoughts seem to be making sense. When all seems to be falling in place. Clicking. Running smoothly.

But that is simply the nature of thoughts. They stick together.

No identification with thoughts = no need for knowledge or understanding, whatsoever. No fear of the unknown. More like; excitement and anticipation about not knowing anything at all. Emptiness. Infinity. Freedom.

One must conceptualize nothingness while one fears emptiness. While the victim within finds eternal peace. 

Emotions arise. It's just energy in motion. Thought creates a story. Thought believes it's story.

Awareness contains it all. Produces it all. Why, you might ask? Because it's freaking free, baby! Doesn't give a flying fuck. Doesn't have a need to know or understand a single thing. It knows itself simply by the obviousness of it's presence. No question about it. No thought about. Only Consciousness. Omnipresent. Omnipotent.


Synchronicity is precisely how everything occurs.


Or seems to be occurring. 

Synchronicity is not just you seeing a cute sign somewhere. Or feeling like the song from your radio speaks directly to you. Or getting a phonecall from someone exactly when you thought of them. 

No no...

It is much more than that. Everything is precisely synchronized through a divine orchestration. You seeing cute numbers and signs is just the tip of the iceberg.

You barely caught a few glimpses. Thoughts distort your perception too much. Just breathe and observe; everything is flawless.

Nothing is ever too late. Nothing is ever too soon. Everything is precise and exact. Happening exactly when it is supposed to be happening, precisely as it is supposed to be happening. Effortlessly so. Unstoppably so. 

Everything is N O W.

Always and forever.

That is why knowing is not needed. That is why knowledge is not needed. 

That is why fear is no more.


Just because nothing is; doesn't mean everything isn't.

And you know that?


One time there was a woman who told me she's 100% sure that earth is flat.

Edited by Blackhawk

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