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Never Ending Waves of Questions...

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talked a non-duality teacher (self realized) which a friend introduced to me yesterday over the phone. my first time with such encounter...

i am not sure if it was due to the fact that it was over the phone... or just a different platform with speaking about non-duality with someone i know to be awakened...

by i didn't really quite know what to talk about or ask... almost like what you see in tony parson/ jim newman's meetings...


it's like a question forms (if/when it finally does) like a wave... and there is this tension so to speak which can only be seemingly resolved with the answer

the answer is the wave crashing back into the ocean thereby bringing upon peace and solving that question

with this, it was seen that questions are truly never ending and a helpless pursuit... sure, one can't help if the questions form

but seeing and understanding this naturally will shun many if not most questions from forming...

just the waves and the ocean dancing - nothing to see / ask here :) 

Love Is The Answer

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If it was over the phone,

How did you know he was awakened ?

Because your friend told you so ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin meh. that point not too important here

the discovery was more powerful.

but yeah, some dude - common guy, in my area who teaches non-duality and is well known. no online presence.


anyhow. i hadn't been more quite before lol as to what to ask or talk about because in knowing answers wont give whatever it is I am searching for :D


Love Is The Answer

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