
One thing to remember when watching Leo's videos.

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1 hour ago, FoxFoxFox said:


I should add that I'm talking about his enlightenment videos, and as early as a year ago.

This is not really the case. It only appears so. A good enough teacher will enlighten you in an instant.

Humility has nothing to do with teaching enlightenment. Humility is the mark of the sage, in his dealings with life, but not the mark of a teacher, in dealing with his pupils.

Sorry I thought you were talking about his old self improvement videos, I understand what you mean now. 

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@noselfnofun I could not agree MORE.


I actually became enlightened listening to his earlier videos on enlightenment.

Afterwards I had mystical experiences that lasted about 2 weeks.

I remember a few times listening to his videos triggered the experiences after the initial enlightenment.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@FoxFoxFox I don't watch his videos anymore so I can't really say this or that about the quality. What his first enlightenment series did was respark an old fascination for truth that had stayed dormant for a while. It also opened up the possibility of the me being an illusion and a glimpse into nothingness.

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@FoxFoxFox hey where has Leo been anyway? as far as Leo is concerned I would & many others would be fucked without his videos. he explains enlightenment better then people who are deeply enlightened imo. 

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Looks pretty practical enough to me.

Especially when you think you're gonna die :ph34r:



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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9 hours ago, FoxFoxFox said:

Yes you are correct. Leo is actually wrong here. There are no facets of reality. There is only reality. What he calls "facets of reality" are appearances, which have no substance of their own. An LSD trip is as real as a simple dream, or even deep sleep. The notion that one must experience all these psychedelics to be enlightened is frankly stupid, irresponsible, and dangerous. 

There are trillions of beings on earth, each with their own reality. And there are an infinite number of beings that will arise in the future. How are you so sure that FoxFoxFox’s reality is the one true one? Have you experienced another being’s reality? If not, how could you conclude what you perceive as reality is the right one? Of the trillions of trillions of organisms that exist on earth and will exist in the future, I would think you would at least need to experience a couple hundred of them before deciding which is most accurate. Even that would be a tiny sample size. Just a few grains of sand on the beach. 

And this is one reason psychedelics are so powerful. They will expand a mind beyond the contracted delusion of an objective external reality. 

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I actually like Leo's older videos about Enlightenment more than the newer ones.  The older ones were much less metaphysical.  But that's just me.  Don't take my opinion for your truth, you figure it out for yourself.  In my view, Leo's newer videos on Enlightenment are way too conceptual, way too metaphysical.  But, we can disagree, right?  There's room for disagreement.


Edited by Joseph Maynor

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7 hours ago, FoxFoxFox said:

An LSD trip is as real as a simple dream, or even deep sleep. The notion that one must experience all these psychedelics to be enlightened is frankly stupid, irresponsible, and dangerous. 

I mean nobody is advocating that psychedelics is for everybody and there is always cautions to do your research.

Its not "necessary" but most people don't realize why they should even meditate until some drug induced experience. This also applied to me.

Its an incredibly powerful tool for building a foundation. And that initial transition is always the most difficult part.

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4 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I actually like Leo's older videos about Enlightenment more than the newer ones.  The older ones were much less metaphysical.  But that's just me.  Don't take my opinion for your truth, you figure it out for yourself.


I think it's a matter of taste.  I personally judge a videos value largely off of how well I think I will be able to take the knowledge from it, and apply it in my  life.  When a video is really metaphysical in nature it seems to lose touch with reality a bit, and seem more like theory for theories sake.  However, I'm sure a lot of people are watching Leo's content just for entertainments sake to wind down at the end of the day, and that is A-okay, but not me.  So I'm with you, because they felt more practical and applicable, which is important to me

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Leo once said "All experiences are just an experience". That quote has stayed with me since.

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Leo said his videos are outdated the day he publishes them, because he learns so much after all the feedback he gets.

I didnt found one video that I dont at least mostly resonate with from his past. Maybe Im brainwashed.

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19 minutes ago, universe said:

Leo said his videos are outdated the day he publishes them, because he learns so much after all the feedback he gets.

I didnt found one video that I dont at least mostly resonate with from his past. Maybe Im brainwashed.

@universe And Leo is back in about a week. We'll see what gems he's uncovered to add to the list.

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@Serotoninluv No, this is all misguided woo woo talk. You assumptions are based on false ideas about the nature of reality. I've seen you are a big fan of psychedelics elsewhere, and that is fine. It's your prerogative. But, again, this is not an exercise in relativity. Its about getting enlightened, and the drugs haven't helped, obviously. But hey, you like drugs right? Next time you are getting high, maybe do this and i think it might be of value in self-realization: Instead of following the visuals or whatever else the trip produces, become aware of your existence, and see how it is the same when you are tripping and when you are not.

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@FoxFoxFox Since this is about Leo he did say he's doing this 30 day without any psychedelics.

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@FoxFoxFox  Be aware of the mind’s tendency to give more relevance to one state of consciousness over another state of consciousness. This is a limiting and contracted mind state.

As well, be aware of the mind’s tendency to create an enlightenment story. It can become a major distraction and trap.

This is post personal. It’s not about personalities. All the personality dynamics are within a much greater expansion. 

There is awareness and beingness that is detached from the personality. 

@cetus56 In Leo’s last video, he said he wasn’t planning on using psychedelics, yet may do so.


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@cetus56 Yes, it's great news. And the right thing to do. For a lot of sages, sitting with the self, immersed in the bliss and silence is the way to go, no matter how much they might fight that outcome at first - this is something that Leo's mind does. We only know of the few sages who have large followings, but in truth there are numerous others who are hermits. I predict to see less and less of Leo as he reconciles his frantic mind with his enlightenment. 

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@Serotoninluv There are no states of consciousness. You are confusing your sense-perceptions of the changing "content" of consciousness with "states". Become aware of the unbreakable reality behind all experience, and stay there as long as possible. That is enlightenment. 

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