
Psychosis, Psychadelics

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1 minute ago, Serotoninluv said:

Yes. Each conscious state is as real as any other. I just use the term “insane” because people are familiar with that term and assume their own state of mind is “sane”. I don’t consider different mind states to be insane or a mental disorder. 

If anything, I would say a standard egoic state of mind is more delusional than a psychedelic state of mind.  

I agree with everything you said above ?❤️

Reality is reality, direct experience is direct experience, conscious states are conscious states and all are real. That’s all there is and all we have.

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@Serotoninluv Watched the video, I agree basically with everything he said. Materialism is really a problem and from that deluded belief people gets labeled as a lot of wrong things when in fact those beings may have had a genuine real direct experience of Truth and Reality.

That is seen as impossible by materialism and thus they may call them crazy or insane. In fact it is like you said the standard ego mind is the real delusion and materialism is just a deluded belief.

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But for example when having a visual hallucination...isn’t that different from seeing what’s really there? ?. I’m talking physical reality not beliefs/perceptions.  Or how about hearing things that are not there ? 




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a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values.

"they hated the sinful materialism of the wicked city"



the doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. ?

Edited by tashawoodfall

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I guess it depends on what you define real as.


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3 minutes ago, tashawoodfall said:

But for example when having a visual hallucination...isn’t that different from seeing what’s really there? ?. I’m talking physical reality not beliefs/perceptions.  Or how about hearing things that are not there ? 

No, it’s not different from seeing what’s there. It IS what was there. It was your direct visual experience and that’s all that’s actual and real. If you heard things then you heard things and it’s real because you heard it. How can it not be there or somewhere else when you heard it, obviously it came from somewhere or were already somewhere, probably in your mind.

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Defining real for me gets tricky because I try to be as objective as possible and my beliefs change so much, so I can’t  consider them necessarily real.

I don’t personally think matter is more important than spirituality but if someone thinks that a desk is in front of them but there is no desk/matter there...

i think what I’m trying to say is there are two reals ??‍♀️ Matter and beliefs 

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I just realized I’m linking constant to real.  Interesting ?

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17 minutes ago, tashawoodfall said:



the doctrine that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. ?

That’s the real problem and delusion. Matter doesn’t even exist. I will tell you why with two examples. I could give more but I’m tired now to write them all.

1. Under my spiritual awakening I literally saw that everything is One Energy or you can call it consciousness. This includes all matter too. I could also absorb energy from matter like rocks and trees and walls etc.

2. It has also been in science by Albert Einstein and later confirmed without a doubt that matter is energy. They are One and the same thing.

5 minutes ago, tashawoodfall said:

Defining real for me gets tricky because I try to be as objective as possible and my beliefs change so much, so I can’t  consider them necessarily real.

I don’t personally think matter is more important than spirituality but if someone thinks that a desk is in front of them but there is no desk/matter there...

i think what I’m trying to say is there are two reals ??‍♀️ Matter and beliefs 

No, don’t think of matter as real. It is the formless who takes itself as form. Form and matter is formless. The formless cannot be seen, it can only be made conscious of.

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the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

"the shift in priorities allows us to embrace our spirituality in a more profound way"


? I see now I actually did believe matter was more important than ‘spirituality’ ie materialistic.  My reasoning now makes no sense because everything is from the same source and things are just mixed differently I guess ? like ice and water and steam.  Yup I have no words. 

Edited by tashawoodfall

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@tashawoodfall So you believe matter exists even after my examples of why it doesn’t exist. It’s only an illusion, you see dear?

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Omg this is why we’re the same everyone’s the same.  So what the fuck is this presence I feel ? time to smoke some weed and ?

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@tashawoodfall Nice that you smoke too ? Too bad you live in the US, my contact is the source itself ?

Edited by Highest

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Fun fact: the dispensary I go to here in Vegas is called The Source ?


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Ah it is that place you buy weed from? That’s good stuff. Weed is illegal in Norway but I have been taken only once in my life because I was with some stupid people. 

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You don’t drive a car with 100 g weed in your car. But I had only 5 g on me, the rest was on the two other guys. So I didn’t pay much for it.

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