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Of course, it’s all relative and subjective but You (God) can create any purpose you wish. If you want to marry and have children - if you want to be member on tinder and date girls in order to be their boyfriend or girlfriend or just fuck - if you want to have a nice house and car and job - if you want to become a sage or guru - then do all of this.

God doesn’t give a fuck which meeaning and purpose you create. God IS You and does stuff like this all the time. No one can judge you or punish you. You can even have a purpose to kill millions of beings and God will not punish or judge you, because it was God who killed all those millions beings!

Create your porpuse and make it the greatest ever for yourself?

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10 minutes ago, Highest said:

then do all of this.

Excellent.   That one phrase, priceless. The brain loves to suggest otherwise - “this or that”. 



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@Tistepiste I believe in it but not that it will follow you after death and then according to your karma you will become a cat or new human being or a rock. If you become something else then You will cease to exist but non-existence is impossible so becoming a rock or whatever is horse shit.

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@Highest i see. In the first post you say "no one can judge you or punish you",

But isn't that kind of what karma does? 

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@Tistepiste Yes, but I meant God. God won’t punish you for murdering another being because it was God itself who did it. But yes, if I kill a being and are normal karma will punish me. But that’s because that’s the nature of a human being, not because karma punishes you.

God doesn’t give a fuck what you do because It is You, but God has created itself as a human being with a nature that feels bad etc if he does something wrong or bad towards another. 

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