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Business plan

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Hello fellow actualizers!

I am around to have my business get started.

My plan is to extract and collect shooting range scrap.(I am working as a range instructor currently)

It's a pretty good work considering almost noone does it in my country :D

Please tell me your honest opinions about it. 

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Need: health and safety needs of gun ranges, talking on the physical level: richocets, lead soil toxication etc.

Another need: financial; how to turn a passive asset into revenue


Unique value: true honesty towards gun ranges: pay back percentile of profit I gain from recycling, but only after recycling

Customers: indoor and outdoor civilian and military ranges, either running or already shut down ones. 

Revenue stream: retrieve scrap metals, then sell them to recycling stations/smelters

Key partners: shooting ranges, recycling stations, smelters, environmental organisations (?)

Cost factors: world trade value of lead, percentile agreement on the scrap, transportation and workforce cost.

Funding: maybe environmental funding from government. Funding is only nescessary for the startup equipment.

Promote the business: only via words of others. Probably the best in the firearm industry.

Channels: real life visits and talking. 


So whatcha think? :)

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