
Enlightenment: Is There an End Game?

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31 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Salvijus Have you had Kensho yet?

No i had no non dual experiences ever, nor do I care so much about them, being happy is more important to me then being in nondual states. But i do not claim that I'm seeking Mukti yet. I'm not ready for that stuff :D

That's why Bhuddha sayed, i experienced all 8states of samadhi and i discarded them all. It's not liberation it's just a fancy experience. 

That's why Bhuddhism is all about karma and dissolusion if you read Bhuddhism it doesn't talk about fancy experiences. Just methods to dissolve.

There're methods to reach nondual states. And there're totally different methods altogether to dissolve karma. Which is pretty scary for me. Sadhguru's last program initiation in samyama is all about dissolusion. Just an idea to go there makes me terrified. this stuff is for advanced spiritual seekers only who don't want to live anymore and leave their body. i think I'm gonna do that program some day in the future. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus Leo Gura said in one of his videos that this physical reality we live in is what exactly "nothing" or "void" looks like. Thus, nothing is everything. Everything is nothing. "Nothing" exists as me and you. There's only existence. You can't cease to exist.

Nothing can transform into anything including me and my house. It's the ultimate shape shifter.

That's the theory. I haven't experienced any of it directly.

Edited by CreamCat

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@CreamCat consciousness can't cease to exist. But your accumilated memory, your impressions, your personality, identity these things can dissolve.

It's one thing to realize your true nature and see that you're not your ego. It's a second thing thing do dissolve the ego and become nothing. In this state one will naturally leave their body. The only thing that's keeping you here trapped in this body is karma or accumilated memory.

Sadhguru says in this state 99% of people leave their body, only kriya yogis know how to remain inside a body after full dissolusion. Because they know all the tricks of the body.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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How the fuck do you leave the body? Do you become a ghost and see the universe while floating in it?

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You're asking me very sensitive questions which requires a very clear understanding of this and a lot of attention and studying. 

I may not be the best person to answer all your questions. since it's a very advanced teachings.

Do you even know anything about chakras? If you didn't come to that point where chakras and prana are a living reality for you. Then what I'm gonna say will be complete out of your league.

Right know you have 5bodies physical body, mental body, energy body, some non physical body which there's no appropriate name for it in english and a bliss body which is also not appropriate translation. 

Yes you can very much leave your body and do all those things but that's not what Mukti is. 

Right now you're a ghost with a body, when you die, you drop your physical body but other 4 bodies do not die. They reincarnate into another body. That's why reincarnation happens. Because other bodies, your mental, energy, and other 2 bodies are still alive and intact. 

The idea of ultimate liberation is to dismantle all the first 4 bodies and brake the cycles of life and death… then the bliss body, aka, pure consciousness leaves the body and merges with the rest of the universe.

Okey.... This probably too much for you... I'm gonna stop there...

You can watch sadhguru talk about 5 layers of body


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

First self realization, then dissolving karma

Growing up in a traditional stage blue Hindu family, I have a slight bias against Karma. What determines whether an action is positive or negative?

Is eating meat bad karma? How about drinking alcohol, sleeping with someone else's spouse, or smoking? Surely catching Bufo Alvarius toad and forcing it to squirt its venom so that people can smoke it can be bad karma!

People like Tom Campbell argue that it's the thought and the intention behind an action that matters, and not the result itself, which is why he argues that becoming love ought to be the supreme goal of life. 

I'm in favor of living a sattvic life, but I'm interested to know what your concept of karma is. I've done a Vipassana Silent meditation retreat, which aims at dissolving karma, but what happens when you are out in the world? How does one know if they're helping or hurting themselves?

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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@legendary yes vippassana is very much about dissolving karma. No wonder it came from Bhuddha's teachings.

We are not talking about good karma and  bad karma. Yes, that also is there and i  agree with tom it's the intention behind your actions that matter not the action istelf. 

But we're not talking about performing good karma but to dissolve all karma which is a different ball game altogether.

Karma is an accumilated memory. lifetimes of memory which run in cycles and which are created by your likes and dislikes. All your personality boils down to your likes and dislikes isnt it? That's why in vippassana you always hear. No cravings no aversions. Just stay equanimous. They want you to destroy all the likes and dislikes of yours which is the basis of your personality. 

What you like and dislike is also your accumilated karma. These cravings and aversions is what causing the beingness to reincarnate over and over.

So yeah... I don't know where I'm going with this. I'm getting pretty tired of explaining this extremly subtle matters which I'm myself don't have a perfect understanding.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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4 hours ago, Salvijus said:

I'm getting pretty tired of explaining this extremly subtle matters which I'm myself don't have a perfect understanding.

I bet. It’s never going to really make sense, because it’s all thinking, because you are already you.  You have a ton of knowledge, and I wish you the best with your karma. ??



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@Nahm its tyring because you're so closed minded it's impossible to navigate through anything in here. Just to explain the most basic things takes enormous effort because receptivity here is 0 and resistence is 100 .

I'm not even going deep. This is the most basic stuff I'm talking here. it's just an itroduction to realize that all your advaita stuff is not the end. There's much much more to it then you know it.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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3 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

@Nahm its tyring because you're so closed minded it's impossible to navigate through anything in here. Just to explain the most basic things takes enormous effort because receptivity here is 0 and resistence is 100 .

I'm not even going deep. This is the most basic stuff I'm talking here. 


Yes it is. So why persist? Consider letting it all go, it’s just overthinking. There is no need to be received, and no resistence.



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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Yes it is. So why persist? Consider letting it all go, it’s just overthinking. There is no need to be received, and no resistence.

Idk why i try to explain this. I just felt like it. And when i got tyred i stopped. Maybe for someone it will ignite some new curiosity to move forward. Maybe it will make someone realize that there's much more then what you hear on Leo's videos.. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@tedens :D

I follow Isha's path which i shared my experiences many times in this forum over and over. Isha path involves everything from creating a blissful life, health, material success, to moving into deeper states of detachment and nothingness, and then the last stage is about samyama which is purely to dissolve yourself. Once sadhguru initiates you into samyama it will unleash a lifetimes of memory to dissolve you very fast. Life will begin to roll on fast forward. "Once you sit with me, one foot of mine will always be in your life, it's heavy and it's on the throttle (laughs)"… "Life on full throttle" #sadhguru.  That's his favorite quote :D

Sadhguru'a methods are really beoynd logic. It's really an amazing path, complete path and very comprehensive path.

I didn't go to the samyama program so I'm still not on the path of Mukti. I don't feel ready for this. I enjoy immensly my progress just as it is. Never grown so fast in my life. When the time comes, when i feel ready for samyama I'll go for it naturally. So i don't have anything to tell you really :D

Sadhguru says a desire for samyama or Mukti can only come for happy people. For those people who experienced this life in great meassure and now want to go beoynd. That's the whole effort of the first programs. To create a blissfulness inside you and to live life intensly so that the desire to go beyond would arise in them. then there's the last program designed just for that purpose.

"Suffering will not seek" #sadhguru

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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"Life on fast forward" worth a watch really to understand these things I talked about


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You can be done with suffering, the fact that you can feel good sometimes, means that this is always possible. If you remain focused either on loving and serving reality, or in humble meditative death. And breakthroughs can be made. 

These are the ways to avoid the suffering mind of worrying, pettiness, fighting, attention seeking, despair.

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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Also, I think he shared an interesting experience, but he must be careful with his assumptions that doing nothing, and thinking you're done, leads to de-evolution into random bits...

Ramana Maharshi sat like 16 years in mostly silence, immersed in doing nothing deeply, for long periods of time completely unconscious of the world.

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1 hour ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

Ramana Maharshi sat like 16 years in mostly silence, immersed in doing nothing deeply, for long periods of time completely unconscious of the world.

Not completely true.

From Wikipedia:

Sri Ramana led a modest and renunciate life. However, according to David Godman, who has written extensively about Ramana, a popular image of him as a person who spent most of his time doing nothing except sitting silently in samadhi is highly inaccurate. From the period when an Ashram began to rise around him after his mother arrived, until his later years when his health failed, Ramana was actually quite active in Ashram activities such as cooking and stitching leaf plates

He also tirelessly helped his devotees out of love, whether it be through physical darshans or through paranormal means. Perhaps at Ramana's level of spiritual development, he could do nothing but serve others out of love, which is what Tom was hinting at.

I get the point you're trying to make, though.

We are enslaved by anything we do not consciously see. We are freed by conscious perception.

- Vernon Howard

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Unappealing, he sounds very tired.

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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5 hours ago, legendary said:

Not completely true.

From Wikipedia:

Sri Ramana led a modest and renunciate life. However, according to David Godman, who has written extensively about Ramana, a popular image of him as a person who spent most of his time doing nothing except sitting silently in samadhi is highly inaccurate. From the period when an Ashram began to rise around him after his mother arrived, until his later years when his health failed, Ramana was actually quite active in Ashram activities such as cooking and stitching leaf plates

He also tirelessly helped his devotees out of love, whether it be through physical darshans or through paranormal means. Perhaps at Ramana's level of spiritual development, he could do nothing but serve others out of love, which is what Tom was hinting at.

I get the point you're trying to make, though.

No, it's true, it refers to the first period after his breakthrough.

OT: Ramana:

'Reincarnation exists only so long as there is ignorance. There is really no reincarnation at all, either now or before. Nor will there be any hereafter. This is the truth.'

So you are done, but you might not know it. Yet speaking of being done for external admiration, is the opposite of being done.

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