
10.000 Hours? Really?

35 posts in this topic

@NoSelfSelf I have financial stability. I have some interests that I work super hard on.

Not having a girlfriend is one of the problems in my life. Solving this will give rise to yet another problem. There is no superior status between being alone or in a relationship. Right now, the pain of being alone outweighs the pain of the relationship's adventure: you need to adapt to the other person, you'll fight eventually, you have to show up everyday, and things will likely end up bad (you break up; you hurt each other).

This propels me towards a deeper seeing in life.

However, Leo's stuff is too theoretical. I'm more of a practical guy.

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@Godheals I think the better approach is to start finding the middle way. Don't force things, that comes from an egoic desire. Start listen to and trust your self. It tells you its needs. You don't need 10000+ hours to realize what you are. Realizing is more an effortless effort than a forcing breakthrough.

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@WelcometoReality That's exactly how I feel about it.

I'm interested in learning japanese, studying law, playing the guitar, playing games etc.

Spirituality is a theme I'm only into -- of course, it is a marvelous subject -- because of "enlightenment". The possibility of an end goal to this.

I don't wanna be like Leo, dedicate my whole life to these different approaches and methods and searches and inquiries about this stuff.

I wanna be a lawyer, god damnit xD

Let me just come along, do the work, and come out enlightened to get on with my life (not "my life", but you get what I mean). There's no way we're all after enlightenment becoming homeless awakened beings, right?

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@Godheals It'll take exactly as long as you want it to. If you are of average intelligence, it'll take maybe a year to make sense of all the important texts and ideas. The rest is actually experiencing the concepts in your own life - which goes back to my initial statement. 

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You can do japa/self-enquiry when working or even studying(?) right? 

You can do lying in bed/sitting, doing tantra, chanting, etc. in your free time?

That should get you the hours quick, though it's not about time, it's about how much you can handle, which is equivalent to how well you can be still.



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17 hours ago, Godheals said:

Welcome to the forum! Congrats on beginning. 


EVEN THOUGH, to be optimistic, my "blind spots" in life could be easily pinpointed and solved through therapy or trustworthy counsel, what's the point? 

To stop suffering, and to find happiness that is unconditioned.

GET THIS: I feel bad for not having a girlfriend. I get a girlfriend. She cheats on me. I am financially stable but tomorrow I'm not anymore.

Your conditions for happiness: Must have girlfriend. Must have financial stability. 

My point is, life has got a myriad of ways through which she can f**k us hard. Should I wait for my grandfather to die (whom I love so much), and feel that grief and existential questioning to turn to spirituality again? It feels like wasting time. So I start now!

I feel like the Real Real Stuff that's going on shouldn't be too hard and time consuming.

A million times, yes. Even the unreal stuff. 

Is it enough to just acknowledge objects (feelings, thoughts, the best and worst of them) and stay as the awareness of them? It looks like to be some sort of common ground through all the teachings I've seen. 


Isn't this already self-inquiry? Isn't this already Sadhana? Is more practice needed? Do I need to sit zazen every morning? 

Up to you. 

I'm partly drawing from Mooji's stance to stick with the simple stuff. And what does he teach? Advaita.

He descended from Papaji and Ramana Maharshi himself. This s**t has to be real.

What does ‘real’ mean to you?



17 hours ago, Godheals said:

I just want to find one thing and stick to it.

That’s the problem. 


16 hours ago, Godheals said:

I wouldn't want anything to do with psychedelics atm, but will look into astral projection



5 hours ago, Godheals said:

the pain of being alone outweighs the pain of the relationship's adventure

There’s no pain in being alone. The suffering is in the wanting to not be alone. This is as deep as it gets. Find out what alone really is. 

5 hours ago, Godheals said:

Let me just come along, do the work, and come out enlightened to get on with my life

Omg. Write that down on a post it and stick it to your closet wall. One day you’ll be so glad you did. It will seem hysterical every time you read it. 




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On 3/5/2019 at 3:45 PM, Shin said:

In theory that is true.

In practice the ego use this as an excuse to stay inconscious.

So watch out.

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is."

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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On 3/5/2019 at 3:33 PM, Godheals said:

My point is, life has got a myriad of ways through which she can f**k us hard. Should I wait for my grandfather to die (whom I love so much), and feel that grief and existential questioning to turn to spirituality again? It feels like wasting time. So I start now!

You will always have problems. The trick of mind is to say that you need to wait for the right time to embark on the spiritual path. Sounds like you are on the right track. Spirituality is 24/7 regardless of what's happening in one's life.


On 3/5/2019 at 3:33 PM, Godheals said:

I'm partly drawing from Mooji's stance to stick with the simple stuff.

Good man. You're understanding will deepen if you stick with the so called "simple stuff".

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17 hours ago, Godheals said:

@WelcometoReality That's exactly how I feel about it.

I'm interested in learning japanese, studying law, playing the guitar, playing games etc.

Spirituality is a theme I'm only into -- of course, it is a marvelous subject -- because of "enlightenment". The possibility of an end goal to this.

I don't wanna be like Leo, dedicate my whole life to these different approaches and methods and searches and inquiries about this stuff.

I wanna be a lawyer, god damnit xD

Let me just come along, do the work, and come out enlightened to get on with my life (not "my life", but you get what I mean). There's no way we're all after enlightenment becoming homeless awakened beings, right?

Yeah. I think that spirituality can be used as a tool to see through our own illusions which cause us to suffer. And when we do that we will enjoy life more and more. If enlightenment happens, great. If it doesn't then we at least have increased our life quality.

Essentially stop struggling trying to get there and instead enjoy the ride. Because we never get there. It is always here. :D

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I got so many great replies on this thread and wasn't expecting much. This makes me feel a little more secure in my endeavors. No one talks about this stuff in the coffee shop, you know. xD

@Nahm I'll actually hang the damn quote on my wall! Let's see if I get a good laugh.

I am alone, then I think that happiness is just out there in a relationship. The problem is that both states have their pros and cons. So the answer to it mustn't be here. So I turn to spirituality.

@AlwaysBeNice I'll definitely try the meditation thing before bed. Yeah, I have the time, I try and integrate the practices during my day.

@Breathe Thank you.

@WelcometoReality The ride is not pleasant all the time... I wanna find a way to cope with existential suffering.

Edited by Godheals

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18 hours ago, Godheals said:

@WelcometoReality The ride is not pleasant all the time... I wanna find a way to cope with existential suffering.

No life isn't always pleasant. Life tends to go up and down. What we tend to do is enhancing the ups and downs through thought. So if we can see the way we do it, especially during the downs, life quality tends to go up. 

My father has MS and it is gradually getting worse. He probably has a couple of years left. I could easily create suffering by believing the thoughts that life is unfair, it shouldn't be this way etc. 

If your ex girlfriend has cheated on you you might start to distrust your current girlfriend by believing certain thoughts which will create suffering. 

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You already had lots of good answers so that's cool

One other thing I want to add, is that you don't have to see progress/results as binary, meaning that you achieve the end goal and then get 100% of the results, and before finishing you get 0% of the result

You can put 20% of effots/time in spirituality/meditation and already get some nice 20% of the results/benefices and that's cool

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I'm spending 10,000+ hours on honing my skills as a writer.  I read books on English grammar even to improve my writing.  You gotta find your "one thing" just like I did.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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