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Prayer Swat Team

38 posts in this topic

15 hours ago, flowboy said:

I Do Not Deserve To Die

For most of the past week I've been worrying about my health. I have the feeling of what I can best describe as a hole in my throat, which hurts when I breathe. Now, I'm scared to death that I gave myself throat cancer or something like that. It's connected to the guilt about not quitting smoking earlier.

I have a health related freakout once or twice a year, and every time it just seems very real that I might die soon. I'm ashamed of it. I should be thanking God that I'm still breathing.

Which I am doing. I do pray. But I also worry about scary diseases, which makes me paranoid that I'm attracting the evil by worrying about it. LOA in reverse.

I hate weird symptoms and I really, really want to feel normal again.

I tried vaping weed every night for the past week, both to calm me down and because I had read that it has anti-cancer properties. I even ate it. But now I just feel severely fucked in the head and my ability to concentrate or motivate myself are just shot.

Why do I keep worrying about my health? Something dark in me says that I don't deserve to be healthy, because I used to smoke, and that's a disrespectful and ungrateful thing to do to your body.

But guess what. That part is wrong. I have been trying to quit since I was 17. I grew up neurotic, with cumulative unprocessed trauma from my mum and dad looming over me. My addiction is understandable given the circumstances, and I am brave for fighting it. I've been smoke free for 24 days, and have put a lot of effort into eating healthy. I deserve to be "forgiven" and live a long and healthy rest of my life.

Now make the hole in my throat and the pressure behind my ear stop, please, damn it.

I would like to ask for your prayers for our friend @flowboy that is going through a difficult time in his life.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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1 hour ago, tsuki said:

I would like to ask for your prayers for our friend @flowboy that is going through a difficult time in his life.

Holy crap, I can totally relate. 


How should we go about this prayer thing? Maybe vote for one a week, and the prayer team focus on that? Otherwise it will be scattered and less effective. Also, should we vote to do it a the same time in the day, or does that not matter because time is an illusion?


This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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6 hours ago, tsuki said:

I would like to ask for your prayers for our friend @flowboy that is going through a difficult time in his life.


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Holy crap, I can totally relate. 


How should we go about this prayer thing? Maybe vote for one a week, and the prayer team focus on that? Otherwise it will be scattered and less effective. Also, should we vote to do it a the same time in the day, or does that not matter because time is an illusion?


I'd propose let's just pray each one of us individually, as we can. Maybe if @flowboy wants, he can ask and we can organize a thing for him :)

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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I can barely feel my weird symptoms anymore, and the worrying about my health has stopped. I can't thank you guys enough.


I would like to ask for a prayer for someone.

A friend and spiritual teacher (she's a tantric healer) has been suffering. She's the most vibrant and unconditionally loving mother figure to countless people. Lately, she has been ill, and the doctors can't figure out what is wrong. Friends describe it as her looking like a sick bird, so incapacitated.

I will see her soon. She asked me to keep it anonymous.


Learn to resolve trauma. Together.

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6 hours ago, flowboy said:

A friend and spiritual teacher (she's a tantric healer) has been suffering. She's the most vibrant and unconditionally loving mother figure to countless people. Lately, she has been ill, and the doctors can't figure out what is wrong. Friends describe it as her looking like a sick bird, so incapacitated.


@flowboy Thank you.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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I'm in!

Sent intention to all folks previously mentioned in this thread! May you be happy and safe from harm, may those you love be happy and safe from harm, may you and those you love have understanding and peace. May you have ease of being... 

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Now this is good stuff! This kind of ACTUAL real world applications of all this work we all do is totally something  we could use more of in communities like this and others. Count me in.

Question though. I have a friend who is deeply struggling right now and I would love some help praying for him. Should I get his permission before putting him and his situation up here. He might not understand completely but would probably let me.

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8 hours ago, enderx7 said:

Question though. I have a friend who is deeply struggling right now and I would love some help praying for him. Should I get his permission before putting him and his situation up here. He might not understand completely but would probably let me.

I think it would be good manners to ask him if you can :)

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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Hey guys I'm battling a moderate lasting mouth infection, it seems to be on its way out but could use some healing vibes. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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2 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Hey guys I'm battling a moderate lasting mouth infection, it seems to be on its way out but could use some healing vibes. 


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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9 hours ago, AwakenedSoul444 said:

Guys please pray for @ethanb121 aswell, he's doing really bad with his pure O ocd, he's suicidal often and is on 15 pills of psychiatric medication and even that doesn't help.


Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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